Created page with " {{author |author_name=Johnnya4344 |date_created=Oct 20, 2015 |status=Done }} <onlyinclude>{{Tome Spellcasting Feat |name=Unholy Spellcasting |types=Spellcasting |summary=You..."
|date_created=Oct 20, 2015
<onlyinclude>{{Tome Spellcasting Feat
|name=Unholy Spellcasting
|summary=Your spells are evil. Evil. and once more for emphasis: ''EVIL.''
|prereqs=Ability to rebuke undead.
|lvl0=You can rebuke undead as a swift action.
|lvl1=You deal an extra 1d4 unholy damage on each damaging spell you cast.
|lvl2=By spending 2 rebuke attempts, you command undead that would normally be rebuked.
|lvl3=You cast any spell of the [Necromancy] school at +1 CL.
|lvl4=You can spend a rebuke attempt to make all weapons held by allies within 60 ft have the [[SRD:Unholy|Unholy]] property for a number of rounds equal to 1 + your Cha modifier (minimum 1 round).
|lvl5=You may opt for any spell you cast to have the [Evil] descriptor. Damage dealing spells altered this way deal half of their damage as unholy damage (post roll, round up).
|lvl6=You may spend a rebuke attempt as a swift action to launch a bolt of darkness at a target within medium range. This bolt deals 1d8 unholy damage per 2 caster levels to the target and requires a ranged touch attack to hit.
|lvl7=You may turn good outsiders as you would undead. Instead of destroying them, they get banished.
|lvl8=You may spend 2 rebuke attempts as an immediate action to channel a freshly killed soul into an onyx gem of at least 100 gp value. This only works if done immediately after the target dies.
|lvl9=You may spend 3 rebuke attempts as an immediate action to redirect a spell targeting you to another legal target within range.
{{3.5e Scaling Feats Breadcrumb}}<br />
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[[Category:Scaling Feat]]