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Baleful Wind (3.5e Invocation)

46 bytes added, 20:05, 17 October 2015
Wait, Gust of Wind allows a Fortitude save, not a Reflex save. My bad! (Yes, that means evasion doesn't apply.)
{{#set:Summary=Blow enemies away, and sap their [[dexterity]] while you're at it.}}
This invocation works like [[SRD:Gust of Wind|''gust of wind'']], except that it also does 1d6 or 1d4 [[Dexterity]] [[SRD:Ability Damaged|damage]] (the former value when cast by a warlock, the latter value when cast by a wind mage). Dexterity damage can be reduced by success on the [[ReflexFortitude]] save; for the warlock version, a successful save halves the Dexterity damage, while for the wind mage version, a successful save reduces the Dexterity damage by 2, to a minimum of 0. For both versions, the Dexterity damage is a negative energy effect, and can be resisted (or not) accordingly. If a victim has However, stability bonuses or penalties do not affect the save DC with respect to resisting the energy damage (though they do apply to the save for negating being [[SRD:EvasionChecked|evasionchecked]], they suffer no Dexterity damage on a successful save; if they have or [[SRD:Improved EvasionBlown Down|improved evasionblown back]], they suffer by the effect ''gust of a successful save on a failed savewind'' as normal).
Due to their different magical proficiencies, warlocks and wind mages cast this invocation slightly differently. Warlocks can inflict more Dexterity damage, and the Dexterity damage is harder to withstand, as described in the previous paragraph; wind mages cast this invocation with a +2 increase to the caster level and save DC.

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