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Voltran (3.5e Monster)

305 bytes added, 21:19, 26 September 2015
Combat: Elaborating on Voltran's abilities
Voltran uses Flow with Enemy (in fact, [[#Lightning Surge|Lightning Surge]] depends on it, due to the fact that it involves Voltran shapeshifting into raw electricity and literally engulfing the foe in order to kill it to death via nonstop super-high voltage), but it's meant to be compatible with default game rules. References to defense in Flow with Enemy's description can be replaced with AC.
'''{{Anchor|Volt Absorb}} ([[{{Su]])}}:''' Voltran can be granted temporary hit points via its [[Energy Absorption (3.5e Creature Ability)|electricity absorption]]. As a thundercloud, it is at no risk of being killed by an overload of temporary hp, and has no maximum limit to how many temporary hp it can gain.
'''{{Anchor|Soul of Thunderclouds}} {{Ex}}:''' Voltran is the essence of life in thunderclouds, an otherwise inanimate aspect of weather. Thus, it can tap into the latent incarnum of the sky. Voltran has an essentia pool containing 2 points of essentia plus 1 point for every 3 HD that it has. Its 30 HD grants it 12 essentia and the ability to invest up to 4 essentia in any given essentia receptacle. It can invest essentia into its [[Energy Anti-Resistance (3.5e Creature Ability)|electricity anti-resistance]] to improve it by 4 points for every invested point of essentia.
'''{{Anchor|Thunder Fang}} ([[Su]]):''' Voltran's bite attack inflicts an additional 1d10 electricity damage, and a failure of 5 or more on a DC 21 Fortitude save (Strength-based) causes the target to become [[Numbed (3.5e Condition)|numbed]]. This is an [Electric] effect.
'''{{Anchor|AncientPower}} ([[Su]]):''' Once per three rounds, Voltran can telekinetically launch up to 3 chunks of stone within 100 feet. These are launched as ranged attacks at separate targets, and, if at least as large as a Medium character, deal 6d6 damage each. Furthermore, upon activation, Voltran gains a +1 Enhancement Bonus enhancement bonus to Natural Armour natural armour and to all ability scores for the next five minutes. Using AncientPower while the bonus is still in effect improves the bonus by 1 (to a maximum of +6 total for natural armor and each ability score) and resets the duration - — Voltran knows to throw random rocks around every minute or so just to keep the bonuses at the maximum. This is a [Rock] effect.
Voltran can invest essentia into AncientPower to increase its number of rocks and the number of rocks it can launch at any given target. It launches 1 extra rock for every point of essentia invested into AncientPower and is allowed to launch 1 extra rock at a single target for every 2 points of essentia invested into AncientPower.
'''{{Anchor|Intangibility}} {{Su}}:''' Voltran can switch between being tangible and intangible at will as a swift action; while intangible, it has the [[Subtype::Incorporeal|incorporeal ]] subtype, but takes a −1 penalty to all ability scores. These penalties cannot be removed in any way other than ending or suppressing the intangibility effect. Even when tangible, the fact that Voltran's a ''cloud'' lets it sometimes avoid attacks; all attacks made against Voltran have a 25% miss chance.
'''{{Anchor|Scary Face}} {{Su}}:''' Voltran can make itself look extra fierce, and is able to make an [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|Intimidate]] check to demoralize as a Swift action.
'''{{Anchor|Crunch}} {{Su}}:''' Voltran's bite is able to smash bones (just, for the love of God, [ don't ask ''how'', ] as you'll only get a headache). Voltran's bite attack deals damage as though it was one size category larger, and forces any creature struck by it to succeed on a DC 21 Fortitude save (the save DC is Strength-based). A creature that fails the Fortitude save loses 1 point of natural armor, 1 point of [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]], and 1 point of [[Martial Defense (3.5e Creature Ability)|martial defense]] for 1 minute. Another successful Crunch reduces the target's natural armor, damage reduction, and martial defense by a further 1 (to a maximum penalty of −6) and refreshes the duration. This is a [Dark] effect.
Voltran can invest essentia into Crunch to boost its save DC by 1 per point of invested essentia. (Crunch and [[#Thunder Fang|Thunder Fang]] share the same save DC; Thunder Fang kicks in when a save against Crunch fails by 5 or more. Thus, investing essentia into Crunch also boosts the save DC of Thunder Fang.)
Voltran may invest essentia into Discharge to extend the range by 10 feet per invested essentia point. As a baseline, the range is 30 feet per 10 HD. Voltran adds 1 die of damage per 2 HD.
'''{{Anchor|Dark Pulse}} {{Su}}:''' Voltran may generate a ripple of nightmares as a standard action once every 1d4 rounds. This ripple creates 5 20-foot-radius bursts within Medium range of Voltran. Any creature caught within one of these bursts takes 2d12+Int negative energy damage and is [[Immobilized (3.5e Condition)|immobilized ]] for 1 round; a DC 32 Fortitude save is allowed to halve the damage and negate the immobilization (the DC is Intelligence-based and includes a +4 racial bonus). Creatures affected by the Dark Pulse must also succeed on a DC 36 Will save (save DC is Wisdom-basedand has no racial bonus) or take a −2 morale penalty to attack rolls and all defenses ([[SRD:Armor Class|armor class]], [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throws]], [[SRD:Spell Resistance|spell resistance]], [[Spell Dampening (3.5e Creature Ability)|spell dampening]], [[Martial Defense (3.5e Creature Ability)|martial defense]], [[SRD:Resistance to Energy|energy resistance]], etc.). This is a [Dark] effect.
'''''{{Anchor|Earth Power}}'' ([[{{Sp]])}}:''' This is a [[SRD:Flame Strike|''flame strike'']] from below rather than from above. Instead of divine energy, half of the damage is a [Ground] effect and the other half is electricity damage. (Actually, the whole move is a [Ground] effect, ''not'' an [Electric] effect, even though half of the damage is electricity damage. It's still considered an electricity effect, though - — just not for interacting with Pokémon traits.) Voltran's caster level is equal to its Hit Dice. The save DC of 38 is Charisma-based. Voltran may use ''earth power'' at will.
'''{{Anchor|Dark Storm}} {{Su}}:''' As a full-round action usable once every 1d6 rounds, Voltran may summon a storm of dark energy that deals 30d12 negative energy damage to all creatures and objects within Medium range. (The number of damage die is equal to Voltran's HD.) Victims are allowed a [[SRD:Reflex|Reflex]] save (DC 38, Charisma-based) for half damage. This is a [Dark] effect. Voltran may invest essentia into Dark Storm to add 2 dice of damage for every invested essentia point.
'''{{Anchor|Lightning Surge}} {{Ex}}:''' Voltran's signature move, Lightning Surge is its trump card and most terrifying power. Voltran can automatically begin flowing with an enemy simply by hitting the foe with a slam attack. As long as Voltran is flowing with an enemy, that enemy takes 15d10 electricity damage every round on Voltran's turn, with no save allowed. Voltran also makes a Charisma check opposed by a Dexterity check from the foe on each round; if Voltran wins, the foe takes an additional 15d10 electricity damage on that round, and Voltran may make an additional Charisma check opposed by the foe's Dexterity check to repeat the process. Voltran can damage the foe in this fashion up to 5 times per round. Needless to say, Lightning Surge can kill an opponent very, ''very'' quickly. This is an [Electric] effect. Voltran adds 1 die to the damage for every 2 HD it has.

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