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Novieres prefer to remain in the seas of Ossa, but sometimes journey to other planes or prime-material worlds to visit with ocean nymphs or merfolk. They love exploring a new coastline or listening to the sound of the surf on a strange shore. Of all eladrins, the novieres are most likely to be interested in trade or material things; they’re fascinated by gemstones and jewelry.
After the coures, the novieres are the most social of the eladrins. They do not travel much, but choose a favorite island or coastline and linger there for years at a time. A clan of noviere eladrins is loosely governed by a chieftain, but individuals are not bound to obey this leader. Novieres tend to keep to themselves aud and are a rare sight in the high eladrin courts of Olympus.
=== Combat ===