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Half-Lucerna (3.5e Template)

360 bytes added, 14:24, 20 February 2015
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The half-lucerna retains the base creature's type, but gains the [[Subtype::Positive]] subtype.
==== Spell-Like Special Abilities ====
As the base creature plushealing hands. Healing Hands (Su): 1/day—cure light wounds. Caster level 1st; save DC 10 + The half-lucerna’s Cha modifier + spell levellucerna is capable of channeling positive energy to heal themselves or others. Each day they can heal a total number of hit points equal to their hit dice times their Charisma bonus, with a minimum of their hit dice. They may choose to divide their healing among multiple recipients, and they don’t have to use it all at once. Using healing hands is a swift action if targeting the user and a standard action otherwise.
==== Abilities ====
==== Challenge Rating ====
==== Alignment ====

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