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Unicorns, Variant (3.5e Race)

25 bytes added, 13:05, 8 February 2015
Racial Traits
* Unicorns begin with 4 levels of Magical Beast, granting them 4d10 racial hit die. Their skill points for these levels are (2+Int Mod)x7. They gain two feats from these levels. It also grants them +4 Base Attack Bonus, +4 to Fortitude, +4 to Reflex and +1 to Will base saves
* Unicorn racial class skills are [[SRD:Control_Shape_Skill|Control Shape]], [[SRD:Listen_Skill|Listen]], [[SRD:Perform_Skill|Perform (Horn)]], [[SRD:Heal_Skill|Heal]], [[SRD:Spot_Skill|Spot]] and [[SRD:Survival_Skill|Survival]]
* Naturally magic resistant: Grants 8+HD Spell Resistance. If the unicorn's horn is ever separated, this no longer functions.
* Natural Horn weapon: A unicorn's Horn counts as a magic +1 Rapier for damage and criticals. At each character level you gain an ability score increase, this increases by one, to a maximum of +5. You still gain the ability score increase as usual.

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