→Younger Unicorns: Made tweaks to the younger ones and added a Racial Progression
=== Younger Unicorns ===
Younger unicorns may be more suitable starting points for lower ECL starts or just those who want to grow into their abilities. Younger unicorns are still a force to be wary of, but not as much so as their elders.
Alterations for a Colt/Filly (Medium)
* +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma. These replace the Adult stat-mods given above.* Size becomes Medium(Long)
* Base Land Speed reduced to 40ft
* Gain only 3 levels of Magical Beast (Giving only 3d10 RHD, (2+Int Mod)x6 skill points , +3 Base attack Bonus, +3 to Fortitude, +3 to Reflex and +1 to Will base saves. They retain the Bonus Feats)
* Colts and fillies have generally only mastered one alternate form.
* Hoof attacks deal only 1d4 damage
* Colts and Fillies do not gain Run as a racial feat.
* When a colt or filly becomes adult, these alterations are replaced by the standard adult traits as above
Alterations for a Foal
* +1 to Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution, +1 Intelligence and , +1 Charisma. These replace the stat-mods given above.* Size becomes Small(Long)
* Base Land Speed Reduced to 30ft
* Gain only 2 levels of Magical Beast (Giving only 2d10 RHD, (2+Int Mod)x5 skill points , +2 Base attack Bonus, +3 to Fortitude, +3 to Reflex. They gain only one Bonus Feat)
* Foals have yet to begin mastering their alternate forms.
* Foals gain neither Run or Endurance as racial feats.
* No natural Hoof attacks.
Unicorns are considered Foals until they reach the age of two, Colt (for males) or Filly (For females) until the age of four. Unicorns mature quickly.
== '''Alternative: Racial progression''' ==
{| class="zebra d20"
<div>{{Anchor|Table: The Unicorn}}</div>
! rowspan="2" | Level
! rowspan="2" | Hit Dice
! rowspan="2" | [[BAB|Base<br/>Attack Bonus]]
! colspan="3" | [[SRD:Saving Throw|Saving Throw]]s
! rowspan="2" | Special
! [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fort]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Ref]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]]
|1st||class="left" | 1d10 || +1 || +2 || +2 || +0
| class="left" | Bonus Feat, Spell Resistance, Magic Horn, Alertness, Weapon Finesse
|2nd||class="left" | 2d10 || +2 || +3 || +3 || +0
| class="left" | +1 Str, +1 Dex, +1 Con, +1 Int, +1 Cha, Limited Shapechange
|3rd||class="left" | 3d10 || +3 || +3 || +3 || +1
| class="left" | +1 Str, +1 Int, +1 Wis, Size Increase (Medium (Long)), +10ft movement speed, Hooves 1d4, Endurance
|4th||class="left" | 4d10 || +4 || +4 || +4 || +1
| class="left" | +2 Str, +1 Dex, +1 Con, +1 Wis, +1 Cha, Size Increase (Large (Long)), +10ft movement speed, Hooves 1d6 and Masterwork, Spell-like Abilities, Run
|- class="Unicorn"
| colspan="42" class="skill" |
'''Class Skills ([[Skill Points::2]] + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)'''<br/>
<!--class skills: simply delete those skills which your class does not have as class skills from the complete list below. If you only allow a subsection, such as Knowledge (arcana) (religion), write it like that. -->
{{3.5e Skills|Control Shape,
Perform (Horn),
'''Class Features'''
All of the following are class features of the unicorn monster class.
'''Weapon and Armor Proficiency:''' Unicorns are proficient with their natural weapons, but not with armor or shields.
'''{{Anchor|Feats}}:''' A unicorn receives one feat at 1st level and one at 4th level. After 4th level it gains feats normally according to its effective character level (the total of its Hit Dice, level adjustment, and class levels) as any other character.
'''{{Anchor|Spell Resistance}} {{Su}}:''' At 1st level, a unicorn gains Spell Resistance of 8 + HD
'''{{Anchor|Magic Horn}} {{Su}}:''' A unicorn's horn is naturally magical and counts as a +1 rapier. At each level a unicorn gains an ability score increase, this enhancement bonus improves by +1, to a maximum of +5. You still gain the ability score increase as normal.
'''{{Anchor|Racial Feats}}:''' At 1st level a unicorn gains Alertness and Weapon Finesse as bonus feats. At 3rd level it gains Endurance, and at 4th level it gains Run.
'''{{Anchor|Limited Shapechange}} {{Su}}:''' Starting at second level a unicorn may now attmept to adopt and master alternate forms. See the section above for rules on this.
'''{{Anchor|Medium Size}}:''' At 3rd level, a unicorn's size increases to Medium (Long).
'''{{Anchor|Hoof attacks}} {{Su}}:''' At 3rd level, a unicorn can now attack with their hooves for 1d4 damage each, and may make two hoof attacks at once. At 4th level these improve to 1d6 each, and are treated as Masterwork.
'''{{Anchor|Large Size}}:''' At 4th level, a unicorn's size increases to Large (Long). As a Long creature, they do not gain the improved reach other Large creatures do.
=== Vital Statistics ===