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Canon:Solostaran Kanan

No change in size, 14:58, 16 July 2014
The Half-Elf: Typo
Solostaran took a liking to the jewelry and wares forged by a dwarven metal smith from [[Solace]] by the name of [[Flint Fireforge]]. In 288 AC, he sent for the [[Hill Dwarf]] to come to the capital city of [[Qualinost]], thus possibly making him the first dwarf to be invited into the elven kingdom since the Cataclysm. Flint developed a strong friendship with Solostaran, and also with Tanis, to Solostaran's delight. 
Evidence was shown to Solostaran that Tanis may have killed the elven noble Eld Ailea in 308 AC, prompting Solostaran to imprison Tanis. He charged Flint with finding evidence of Tanis's innosenceinnocence, or he would be forced to brand Tanis a dark elf and banish him from Qualinesti. Flint discovered that Solostaran's brother, Arelas Kanan, was guilty as part of a plot to become the next Speaker of the Sun. The plot was stopped and Tanis was freed. Shortly after that, Tanis informed Solostaran that he would be leaving Qualinesti, to Solostaran's secret joy, for Tanis had become romantically involved with Solostaran's daughter Laurana.
==War of the Lance==

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