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Natureborn (3.5e Race)

24 bytes added, 15:36, 15 July 2014
Racial Traits
*'''Feral Mind {{Ex}}:''' A natureborn who selects the feral mind gains stronger animal aspects, gaining the wild empathy of a [[druid]] of their level (or adding +1/2 HD to wild empathy if they obtain it) and [[SRD:Scent|scent]]. They gain either two claws (dealing 1d4 for medium) or a bite (dealing 1d6 for medium) attack. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge Nature and Survival checks and both become class skills and may be used untrained.
:At 6 HD, the natureborn's natural armor thickens, gaining a +2 1 natural armor bonus. Any natural attacks they possess gain a +1 enhancement bonus and gain either a 19-20/x2 critical threat range, or a 20/x3 critical threat range, chosen on obtaining this ability.
:At 9 HD, the natureborn's natural armor improves, growing to a +4 2 natural armor bonus. Their enhancement bonus rises to +2, and their threat range becomes 18-20/x2 or 20/x4 respectively.
:At 12 HD, the natureborn's natural armor improves, growing to a +6 3 natural armor bonus. Their enhancement bonuses rises to +3, and they gain a new mode of movement from the following: a swim speed equal to twice their land speed (and the ability to breath water), a burrow speed equal to their land speed (and tremorsense 50 ft), a climb speed equal to their land speed (and immunity to fall damage), or a fly speed equal to twice their land speed (average), chosen on obtaining this ability.
:At 15 HD, the natureborn's natural armor improves, growing to a +8 4 natural armor bonus. Their enhancement bonus rises to +4, and their attacks now ignore all material damage reduction and hardness except DR/-(such as cold iron or silver). The natureborn is filled with life and becomes biologically immortal, immune gains immunity to negative energy, and immune immunity to death effects.
*'''Green Heart {{Ex}}:''' A natureborn who selects the green heart gains stronger plant aspects, gaining immunity to paralysis and magic sleep effects and no longer needing to sleep. They can feed themselves on nothing more than water, an hour of sunlight, and contact with soil in place of their usual diet. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge Nature and Survival checks and both become class skills and may be used untrained.

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