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Emerald Sun utilizes Because the standard D&D racial setting privledges humanoid races over non-humanoid or monstrous races, it is recommended that the [[Simplified Races (3.5e Variant Rule)|simplified races]] variant rule, which allows is utilized for greater diversity of races over the human-like species of traditional D&DEmerald Sun. While mechanically any simplified race could be used here, thematically it is recommended to use those presented here.
=Common Races=
====Universal Base Traits====
Unless otherwise indicated, all races possess the following traits:
* Humanoid Type
* Medium Size
====Deep One====
''A tall, gangly, hunched and thin fish-like humanoid figure rears up out of the water before you. While it wears the latest R'lyehan fashionPhysically, it is clearly inhuman, resembling nothing more than resembles a greenish-blue roughly humanoid hybrid of human, frog and fish. Its fishtoad-like head bears four bulging eyes and a wide mouth bristling with needle-sharp teeth, and five shark-like gill slits can be seen on adorn each side of its neck. It has a long, strong tail with an eel-like ribbon on the top and underside. Its webbed hands and feet resemble those of a salamander, bearing no claws or nails, and its scales are coated with a faint trace of slime. A slight smell of static underlies its otherwise fishy smell.''
Deep Ones are an ancient line of marine humanoids found throughout whose culture dominates the oceans of Tellus. Deep Ones are range in height from four six to nearly eight feet, and their length from nose to tail is usually six to ten feet, mostly tail. While all Deep Ones possess some common traits, such as slimy skin and limited electrical generative abilities, the extreme age of the species and its affinity for abyssal magic have diverged the Deep Ones into a number of related, physically distinct species. The dominant variety is the Anguillian (eel-like) variety described above, but Deep Ones with attributes of other icthyian species, such as lionfish, shark, manta, sea horse, angler fish, or barracuda characteristics are also foundcommon, and more exotic mutants have arisen due to Fremd manipulation. Conflicts between different varieties While the ancestors of the Deep Ones were united under an ocean-spanning empire more powerful than any land-based Tellurian civilization to date, their descendants war with one another more often then they combat other Tellurian peoples. These conflicts are very common bloody and sometimes verge often denigrate into genocide.
Like any humanoid sapient people, Deep Ones vary immensely in their individual personalities and cultural beliefs. Most However, most Deep Ones do share a disdain for younger species like humans and towards land-dwelling peoplesdwellers, and usually possess an intense hatred of the Fremd, who they hold responsible for the collapse and fragmentation of their ocean-spanning empire.
Deep Ones are an ancient amphibious people whose civilization dominated the oceans of Tellus long before land life prospered. Since nearly four-fifths of Tellus is covered in ocean, the Deep Ones have always had a truly vast domain at their disposal, and even now, the Mer co. At one point, the Mer were once united in an empire that ruled nearly the entire ocean system, centered in the ancient marine city of Apsus. This empire was fractured by the combination of a Fremd incursion and a shoggoth awakening. The Mer have been divided ever since, and the vast timescale of their existence has resulted in distinct breeds or even species of Mer, who regularly war on one another to the point of genocide. It is likely that only the retaking of Apsus will reunite the Mer, but the regular attempts to reclaim Apsus from the Shoggoth have always been costly, brief, and ultimately unsuccessful. The oldest Mer resembled fish-frog beings with shark-like teeth, and fish-like varieties bearing characteristics like such as lionfish, cod, shark, sea horse, barracuda, manta or stingray, are the most common, but those with cetacean, sea reptile, cephalopod, coral, seaweed, crustacean, brittle star, or jellyfish components are also seen. Most players will probably be Mer associated with the city of R'lyeh, since these are more accepting of other species; independant Mer tend to be more xenophobic or even predatory, and cultist Mer are usually insane.
:'''Starting Languages:''' Aquan (many, many dialects), Common.
:'''Homelands:''' The Great Ocean.
:'''Racial Traits'''
:Combat Ability - Electric Impulse: Once per encounter as an immediate action, you may make a melee touch attack to emit a pulse of electricity, which deals 1d4 electricity damage (Fort DC 11 + your HD half). For every three HD you possess over your first the damage is increased by 1d4 (2d4 at 4th HD, 3d4 at 7 HD, and so on). Underwater, or when grappled, you instead deal 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 for every three HD after first level (you need not make . If a touch attack for using Deep One is involved in a grapple, they may automatically apply damage, but it while grappled)takes a full round action to do so.
:Passive Ability - Amphibious: You can breathe water as easily as you do air, and have a swim speed of 30'. Your base land speed is reduced to 20 ft.
:Utility Ability - Slimy Skin: You are considered to have a number of ranks in [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Escape Artistry| Escape Artistry]] equal to your HD + 3.
''A strange figure approaches you from the mists. Something is faintly and disturbingly familiar about the figure, but you cannot trace it. The figure raises its head, revealing a blank grey , featureless face with three black eyes. As you start, its features seem to melt and suddenly, you gaze upon your own face!''
It is said that everything strives to be, even the most immaterial of ideas. Perhaps nothing proves that adage more true than the doppelgangers, mysterious shapeshifters born in the Dreamlands, but drawn to the Material Plane by inscrutable purposes. Doppelgangers, as mutable creatures of both matter and dreamstuff, have few consistent physical features, although most are grayish, roughly humanoid figures with blank faces. Doppelgangers are very much a product of sapient thought, but most are quickly enslaved by powerful Fremd, who value their incredibly mimicry abilities. Doppelgangers, as mutable creatures of both matter and dreamstuff, have few consistent physical features, although most are grayish humanoid figures. Feared by many for their talent in mimicry, most doppelgangers live lonely lives dominated by one goal: to find the purpose of their existence. The only major concentration is Most doppelgangers have no group of their own, and thus live alone or as a thrall for a greater power. A few have formed a loose cabal in R'lyeh, consisting of former Fremd slaves whose goal is to protect other doppelgangers and those which the rebels adoptedforge a unique culture for themselves.
:'''Starting Languages:''' Common, any one.
:'''Homelands:''' The Dreamlands.
''An emaciated grayish green humanoid figure clothed in rags half-crawls, half-walks across the path. It has an ape-like face, with pointed ears, short tufts of hair, and disturbingly large fangs.Although frail in appearance, it clearly possesses a wiry grace and its burning eyes indicate a keen intelligence.''
Ghouls are feral humanoid scavengers who have survived on the outskirts of human civilization for millennia. Due to their association with cannibalism and grave-robbing, ghouls have an "unclean" status in human society and are seen as vermin or pests by other powerful tellurian Tellurian races. Ghouls tend to return this hatred and contempt in kind, and do on occasion commit acts considered horrendous by other races if it helps them survive, such as waylaying travelers or raiding villages for food. Oddly, ghouls have a very strong taboo against harming children of any sentient race, and they are known to adopt lost children into their clans(human children so adopted eventually take on Ghoulish traits). Ghouls and Selenites have an unusual enmity towards one another, which neither species has yet discovered, although They also have a deep dislike of the selenitesSelenites, the origin of which is unknown, since ghouls never attacked the selenite hive-cities. Only the Talpa have favorable relations with the ghouls, befitting the outsider/slave status both races possess in most Tellurian societies.
:'''Starting Languages:''' Common, Undercommon.

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