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Killing (3.5e Equipment)

103 bytes added, 06:13, 24 March 2014
Trying something
==Killing ==
[[Summary::A killing weapon kill creatures in a single blow.]] When a creature is struck with dealt damage by a killing weapon it must make a fortitude save (DC 15 20 + half the wielder's base attack bonus) or die outright, a creature who succeed it save is immune to the effects of killing weapons for 1 minute. This is not a Creature immune to [death] effectcannot be slain by a killing weapon, but on a failed save they take an additional 100 damages.
Strong Necromancy; CL 22nd; [[SRD:Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor|Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor]], [[SRD:Power Word Kill|''power word kill'']]; Price: [[Cost::+8]].

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