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Mystic Delver (3.5e Class)

8 bytes added, 01:51, 11 January 2014
no edit summary
''Epic None the Wisest (Ex):'' Your none the wisest delving trick no longer require a save, it just happen automatically.
''Epic Outsmart and Outclass (Ex): '' Whenever you use your ''outsmart and outclass'' delving trick on a creature, if it fail whatever it was trying it fall under the effect of [[SRD:Crushing Despair|''crushing despair'']] for 1 minute.
''Epic Psychic Awakening (Ps)'': All psi-like abilities granted by psychic awakening become usable an additional time per day.
''Epic Stabbing Delver (Ex)'': You gain sneak attack progression of a rogue of your level, this overlap the normal bonus granted by stabbing delver..
''Epic Voice Imitation '' (Ex): No clue yet.

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