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Formweaver (3.5e Class)

No change in size, 03:48, 10 January 2014
Formweavers are biological change, life, and chaos made flesh. To be a formweaver is a pseudo-divine acalling calling - many among their loosely-organised number make mention of hearing a “unifying song” or resonance within all living things, and the more religiously-inclined Weavers have started a “Cult of the Song” or “Unification Cult.”
Some see their gifts as a way of unifying all life, others see them as useful - if bizarre and a little horrendous - tools. Formweavers tend to hear the call around their adolescence, and they’re usually made most aware of it when horns erupt from their head, or their mouths widen into flesh-tearing maws or beaks, or their right arm splits into a slithering bouquet of 4 razor-suckered tentacles. Waking up in a cold sweat from a dream that walks the edge of nightmares and finding oneself encased in a smooth, dark exoskeleton is also a bit of a giveaway.
Any race can be a formweaver. Most civilised societies are likely to shun a formweaver walking about openly and obviously displaying their gifts, but races naturally inclined for shapeshifting fuckery nonsense are nowhere near as bothered.
===Making a Formweaver===

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