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Mystic Delver (3.5e Class)

751 bytes added, 20:35, 5 January 2014
Class Features
''{{Anchor|Fast Rites}} {{Su}}:'' Three time per day you may accelerated your [[#Rites of Preparation|rites of preparation]] to a swift action. After you get [[#Rapid Rites|rapid rites]] this become a free action. You need to be at least 5th level or higher in order to take this delving trick.
''{{Anchor|Flashing Distraction}} {{Ex}}:'' You gain the ability to distract enemies within 30 feet as move or immediate action. Make a ranged touch attack against the target if the attack hit that creature must make a will save or lose it action. You may make this ability a [Mind-Affecting] effect, if you do not need to make the ranged touch attack but the target must be able to see or hear you, if the target fail it save become [[SRD:Fascinated|fascinated]] for 1 round(wasting the action).
''{{Anchor|Found Familiar}}:'' You gain the obtain familiar feat as a bonus feat even if you do meet the prerequisite. You may select this delving trick twice, the second time gaining [[SRD:Improved Familiar|improved familiar]] instead.
''{{Anchor|Improvised Grappling Hooks}} {{Ex}}:'' The mystic delver may treat regular ropes and even [[SRD:Whip|whips]] as grappling hooks. She may use grappling hooks as if they were [[Hookshot (3.5e Equipment)|hookshot]]. If she use a a regular [[Hookshot (3.5e Equipment)|hookshot]] it range and lift capacity double and fire them as swift or move action.
''{{Anchor|Jinxing Delver}} {{Ex}}:'' The first creature that target in a round is automatically affected by an [[Hinder (3.5e Spell)|''hinder'']] effect with no save granted for 1 minute. This is not a [compulsion] or a [mind affecting] effect unlike the spell. If a creature under this effect would still fall under it again it must make a will save or be cursed as [[SRD:Bestow Curse|''bestow curse'']].
''{{Anchor|Mind your Business}} {{Ex}}:'' You gain the [[Hostile Mind (3.5e Feat)|hostile mind]] feat as a bonus feat. At 17 character level you are always under the effect of [[SRD:Mind Blank|''mind blank'']], this ability can be suppressed or resumed as a free action.
''{{Anchor|None the Wisest}} {{Ex}}:'' You have an uncanny talent when it come to mind control and bluff. When you successfully make a creature do an action through mundane mean (such as bluff) or magic (such as suggestion) that creature must make an additional will save, if it fail it believe everything it did was it own idea until proven otherwise. None the wisest do not work on the ''dominate serie of spell'' spells. This is a [mind-affecting] ability.
''{{Anchor|Outsmart and Outclass}} {{Ex}}:'' You may as an immediate action force a creature within close range (including yourself) to reroll a single d20 roll. If that roll was an opposed roll against you that creature take a -4 penalty to the reroll.
If you select this delving trick at 5th level and previously selected it at least once you may choose a 2nd level power instead of a 1st level power. If you select this delving trick at 9th and previously selected it at least twice you may choose a 3rd level power instead of a 1st and 2nd level power. If you select this delving trick at 13th and previously selected it at least thrice you may choose a 4th level power instead of a 1st, 2nd and 3rd level power. If you select this delving trick at 17th and previously selected it at least four time you may choose a 5th level power instead of a 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th level power.
''{{Anchor|Stabbing Delver}} {{Ex}}:'' You gain sneak attack as a [[SRD:Rogue|rogue]]. Your sneak attack dice is equal to your number of delving tricks divided by 2 rounded up. You may take this trick multiple time, each time increasing your effective rogue level by 2 (up to your HD). ''{{Anchor|Trick Focus}} {{Ex}}:'' Choose one activated delving trick you have, you gain [[Ability Focus, Variant (3.5e Feat)|variant ability focus]] as a bonus feat for that trick. If you have 10 more more mystic delver levels you may choose another trick to receive the same benefit.
''{{Anchor|Voice Imitation}} {{Ex}}:'' The mystic delver may use [[SRD:Ghost Sound|''ghost sound'']] as a swift action at will. The mystic delver may take 15 on [[bluff]] and [[disguise]] check when attempting to mimic the voice of a particular individual.
* ''Learned Professor'': You may base all of your mystic delver abilities on your [[intelligence]] if thi would be advantageous (including spellcasting). Additionally you encounter a new language, if you interacts (read or speak to a creature that knows it) with it for at least 5 minutes you may attempt a DC 10 intelligence check, if you succeed you learns the language.
* ''Psionic Delver'': You gain the Hidden talent feat, additionally whenever you take the ''psychic awakening'' delving trick you can choose powers from one of the psion discipline list chosen when you take this style trait.
* ''Master of Maze'': You gain the [[SRD:Minotaur|minotaur]]'s natural cunning ability, allowing you to solve maze with incredible ease, additionally you agiin gain uncanny dodge (using your mystic delver level instead of barbarian).
* ''Smoking Hot'': No matter your actual appearance you always look good, dashing and melt the heart of members of the opposite gender (and some of the same) and the audience with your charismatic moxie. You never take penalties to charisma-based skill check because of you appearance and the DC of your mind-affecting delving tricks increase by 2.
* ''Whipfighter'': The mystic delver gain proficiency with a [[SRD:Whip|whip]], [[Improved Whip Proficiency (3.5e Feat)|improved whip proficiency]] and [[Advanced Whip Tactics (3.5e Feat)|advanced whip tactic]]. Additionally you count as being a fighter of half your mystic delver level for the purpose of qualifying for feat and prestige class.

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