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Fade Whisps (3.5e Maneuver)

4 bytes added, 06:14, 19 December 2013
no edit summary
|dur=1 minute/level
|summary=Slowly eat away at a target's reality and mimic the effect of ''[[SRD:Insect SwarmPlague|insect swarmplague]]''
''Motes of darkness eat away at the victim's reality, until they are no more substantial than a shadow.''
This duplicates the effect of an ''[[SRD:Insect SwarmPlague|insect swarmplague]]'' spell, except that you can only have one fade whisps activated at any one time (another use of this maneuver dismisses the first instance).
The "insects" are motes of shadow from the plane of shadow which devour the local reality. Its damage is untyped, and if the swarm damage kills a creature its body is vaporized into shadow motes. The swarm also blocks line of sight until the creature possesses See In Darkness (darkvision is not enough).

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