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Hivecraft (3.5e Spell)

29 bytes added, 06:22, 21 October 2013
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Objects (such as anything which can be carried or equipped) can be finished within 1 minute of the casting time. A craft check may be required for items with a DC higher than 15.
Structures can be built as well, though you may need an appropriate Craft check or Knowledge Engineering check for complex structures. The effect lasts for an additional 30 minutes, and produces enough work equal to 100 humans laboring for three days(enough for a 3 story hotel). After using this function of the spell the same caster cannot summon bees for this purpose for 1d3 days.
The beeswax produced by this spell is as hard and sturdy as wood and half the weight due to the honeycomb structure within. Treat as wood, escept it melts instead of burns.

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