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Anti-Communist Machine (3.5e Feat)

64 bytes added, 01:01, 17 September 2013
'''Archetype Feat Bonus are based on HD.'''
* '''1 HD''': You were made as a patriotic Machine of War! They made you very very big... you are one size category larger than normal. You gain all benefits for getting on size large.* '''3 HD''': You can spout anti-communist propaganda once per round as a free action, effectively allowing you to make an [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|intimidate]] check against all enemies within 10 ft. ''(enemies need not to be communists)''* '''8 HD''': You know how to protect your nation against communism! Whenever you take total defence defense action, any allies within 20 ft. of you gain a +4 untyped bonus to AC.
* '''15 HD''': Better dead than red! At 15 HD, you gain the death throe ability, dealing 1d8 damage per HD you have. Death Throe affect all creature within 10 ft. per HD and deals half-fire damage and half-untyped damage. Death throe only activates upon death or destruction.

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