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Enhance (3.5e Epic Spell Seed)

212 bytes added, 02:54, 26 August 2013
New point system incorporated
*[[Spell Dampening (3.5e Creature Ability)|spell dampening]]
The ''enhance'' seed may also be used to increase [[Hinder Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|energy hindrance]] for a single energy type by 5% or provide a [[SRD:Psionic Overview|psionic character]] with 1 temporary [[SRD:Power Points|power point]], grant 1 temporary Face point (for [[Social Combat (3.5e Variant Rule)|social combat]]), add 1 temporary [[Bio-Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|bio-energy charge]] to a [[Xenotheric (3.5e Creature Subtype)|xenotheric]] creature's bio-energy pool, add 1 temporary pain point to a [[Tormentor (3.5e Prestige Class)|tormentor]]'s pain pool/[[Tormentor (3.5e Prestige Class)#Torment Engine|torment engine]], grant 1 temporary VFX point to a [[Viewtiful Warrior (3.5e Class)|Viewtiful Warrior]], grant 1 temporary time warp point to a [[Temporal Adept (3.5e Class)|temporal adept]], provide a soulmeld-using character with 1 temporary [[Publication:Magic of Incarnum|essentia point]], add 1 temporary [[Grey Vampire (3.5e Race)#Blood Pool|blood point]]/[[Libris Vampiricus - The Book of Stolen Blood (3.5e Sourcebook)/Chapter 2#Vitae|Vitae]] point to a [[Grey Vampire (3.5e Race)|vampire]]'s blood/Vitae pool, grant 1 temporary combat point to an [[Edgemaster (3.5e Prestige Class)|edgemaster]], or grant 1 temporary spin point to a fatespinner<ref name="ca">[[Publication:Complete Arcane|Complete Arcane]]</ref>. To increase an enhancement bonus to attack rolls, a skill, or martial defense, boost [[Hinder Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|energy hindrance]], increase the amount of temporary power points granted to a psionic character, or increase the amount of temporary Face granted, increase the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] by +2 for every additional +1 bonus increase, +1% energy hindrance increase, temporary power point, or temporary Face point. To increase an enhancement bonus to caster/manifester/meldshaper/initiator level or [[Spell Dampening (3.5e Creature Ability)|spell dampening]], increase the amount of temporary bio-energy charges granted to a xenotheric creature, increase the amount of temporary pain points granted to a tormentor, or increase the amount of temporary VFX points granted to a Viewtiful Warrior, or increase the amount of time warp points granted to a temporal adept, increase the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] by +3 for every additional +1 bonus, temporary bio-energy charge, temporary pain point, or temporary VFX point. , or temporary time warp point To increase the amount of temporary essentia points granted to a soulmeld user, temporary blood/Vitae points granted to a [[Libris Vampiricus - The Book of Stolen Blood (3.5e Sourcebook)|vampire]], temporary combat points granted to an edgemaster, or temporary spin points granted to a fatespinner, increase the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] by +4 for every additional temporary essentia point, temporary blood/Vitae point, temporary combat point, or temporary spin point. Temporary points are depleted before "real" points are. Temporary power, Face, bio-energy, pain, VFX, time warp, essentia, blood/Vitae, combat, or spin points granted by a spell developed with the ''enhance'' seed do not stack with each other or with temporary points (of the same type) granted by any other source. Instead, they overlap, so that when one effect expires (through dispelling, depletion, or simply running out of time), the next-oldest effect takes its place. (If a point expenditure is greater than the oldest pool of temporary points, then that pool is completely expended (and thus expires) and the remainder is subtracted from the character's real point reserve before the next effect becomes active.) Temporary Vitae points granted by the ''enhance'' seed are the same age category, generation, and vampire category as the vampire they're granted to. Temporary points cannot be granted to a creature without the ability to use them, but the ''enhance'' seed can be used in conjunction with the [[SRD:Life (Epic Spell Seed)|''life'']] seed to grant a newly created creature a pool of power points, bio-energy charges, pain points, VFX points, time warp points, essentia points, blood/Vitae points, combat points, or spin points, just like the [[SRD:Fortify (Epic Spell Seed)|''fortify'']] seed can be used to grant Hit Dice. (The creature must also be provided with a way to use said pool of points, which may require the use of additional seeds and/or factors.) You may also add +25 to the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] in order to choose the type of temporary points to grant at the time of casting; if you do this, the DC is increased by +4 for every +1 increase to the temporary points granted, and if the creature in question has multiple point pools (for example, a xenotheric multiclassed psion/tormentor who's also a vampire), the entire amount of temporary points must be applied to a single pool. The ''enhance'' seed can never be used to grant temporary hit points (for that, you should use the [[SRD:Fortify (Epic Spell Seed)|''fortify'' seed]]).
The ''enhance'' seed can grant bonuses of a type other than enhancement. If this function is used, the base [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] is changed to 21, the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] increase for each +1 bonus increase to attack rolls, skill rolls, or martial defense is changed to +6, and the [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] [[SRD:DC|DC]] increase for each +1 bonus increase to [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]], [[SRD:Manifester Level|manifester level]], meldshaper level, initiator level, or [[Spell Dampening (3.5e Creature Ability)|spell dampening]] is changed to +8. This function cannot be used to grant temporary points or boost [[Hinder Energy (3.5e Creature Ability)|energy hindrance]], as those cannot be assigned a bonus type.

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