→Class Features
'''{{Anchor|Natural Protection}} {{Ex}}:''' Formweavers have +4 Natural AC at level 1, represented by either a subdermal layer of protective, strange new flesh, hardened skin/scales/carapace on their body’s surface, or something else entirely - use your imagination! This increases by a further +1 for every two character levels the weaver has. If the formweaver ever wears armour, she only gets half the bonus from this ability, rounded down.
'''{{Anchor|Mercurial Form}} {{Su}}:''' One of a formweaver’s most signature abilities involves melding her body with various other parts, abilities, and aspects of creatures and things she’s tasted of with their biogenic touch. Altering oneself takes concentration and roughly five minute’s time and is probably equal parts fun and horrific to watch. The formweaver is vulnerable while transforming and is flat-footed, no matter what. In addition to these facts, formweavers also gain the [Shapechanger] subtype.
Aat level 1, a formweaver may have 3 traits present at a time. Traits are supernatural and extraordinary abilities, and parts of the cosmetic appearance of monsters she's touched, their movement modes, special senses, shit like water breathing, and extra limbs and other such fun things that she's taken with the “Absorb Aspect” mechanic. The number of active trait slots increases by 1 for every 3 levels - so it’s 4 at level 3, 5 at level 6, etc. Hiding natural weapons and armour uses a trait slot - so if a level one weaver wanted to hide her tentacles and carapace but activate telepathy and poison abilities she’d absorbed, it would take up all three of her slots.
A formweaver can only passively remember [CON mod]+CLVL shapes and a number of supernatural and extraordinary abilities equal to 5. Abilities and shape-factors inherent in her native race do not count against this limit. She can opt to forget stored abilities and shapes at will.
A formweaver starts off with the abilities and shapes shape aspects of one rules-legal creature whose CR is equal to or less than her starting level, subject to GM approval, of course. Don't be a dick.
'''{{Anchor|Integration}} {{Ex}}:''' The weaver is bristling with life energy, giving her fast healing equal to her character level + Con mod. This persists when she's dropped into negative HP.
'''{{Anchor|Metabolic Control}} {{Ex}}:''' Through amazing feats of concentration and slight self-alteration, formweavers are able to pull off magnificent physical feats. The formweaver is, via a swift action, able to use concentration to provide bonuses to endurance-related, swim, jump, balance, and climb rolls. She checks concentration vs a DC of 10 5 and applies the measure of success as gains a +2 bonusto the roll for every five above the DC she rolled.
'''{{Anchor|Draining Touch}} {{Su}}:''' As a swift action, the formweaver can opt to reduce the total damage of her next biogenic touch by 50% (rounding up) in order to gain the damage dealt as health. If the weaver is "overhealed" by this health gain, the excess health is granted as temporary hitpoints with a duration of one hour. If a weaver holds a number of temporary hitpoints from this ability that are equal to or greater than her base maximum hitpoints, she runs a risk of exploding in a burst of life energy as if she were hanging out in the bad neighbourhoods on the Positive Energy Plane.
'''{{Anchor|Metabolic Control: Toxins and Pathogens}} {{Ex}}:''' The formweaver's body is tough and resistant, gaining a +3 bonus to resist the effects of poisons and diseases. In addition to this, she has the ability to use her concentration skill rather than fortitude save versus ongoing and secondary damage from poisons and diseases. These changes apply to most magical poisons and diseases as well, though there can be exceptions.
'''{{Anchor|Disrupting Touch}} {{Su}}:''' The weaver can now use her biogenic touch on corporeal outsiders, as well as use it to destroy corporeal undead. Weavers cannot take abilities and shapes from the undead.
'''{{Anchor|Metabolic Control: Pain}} {{Ex}}:''' The formweaver has mastery over her twisted form's pain receptors. She's immune to nonlethal damage from outside sources, but she can still suffer heatstroke (if not immune to heat) from environmental circumstances, suffocate, and starve just like other people. She also gains damage reduction equal to half her character level, penetrated by Acid and Vile damage.
'''{{Anchor|Deadly Weaponry}} {{Ex}}:''' The weaver's natural weapons are now considered magic weapons with an enhancement bonus equal to her level divided by 3, rounded up.
'''{{Anchor|Bezoar}} {{Ex}}:''' The formweaver grows a strange, tiny, hard, and disclike growth inside her chest and/or abdominal cavity. Bezoars tend to be incredibly smooth in texture and dark in colouration. They store a number of shapes and abilities equal to 3 × the weaver's Constitution modifier. A weaver is aware when her bezoar fills up, and she can make it slowly and painlessly erupt from her body whenever she wants. A new bezoar is formed within one round as soon as the weaver's body contains no bezoars. Swapping a bezoar is as simple as willing one out of one’s body as a full-round action, then pressing the the desired one in until it's drawn inside via a full-round action. A weaver is automatically aware of the contents of her own bezoars, and may take a Knowledge(Nature/Religion) check to learn the contents of another formweaver’s bezoar, with a DC equal to 10+the other weaver's character level.
Swapping or copying the contents of bezoars may be done by holding one in each hand and taking a minute to encode them, and an additional minute to verify them.
'''{{Anchor|Metabolic Control: Senses}} {{Ex}}:''' The weaver’s control over her own body improves, conferring a +3 to resist effects that alter/negate senses. If these rolls fail, she may take a swift action to take a concentration check with a DC equal to 10 + that of the effect that caused the sensory deprivation. Success negates the effect.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Metamorphosis}} {{Ex}}:''' The weaver has advanced her gifts to the point where “shape”-type alterations to herself only take up one slot. This means that darkvision [shape, sense], dragon wings [shape, flight/transport mode], a Marilith’s six arms [shape, extra limbs], the gills from a shark [shape, water breathing], and making her lower body into a smaller appropriation of a dire whale’s rear half [shape, swim/transport mode] would all only take one slot, as opposed to 5. The weaver is also immune to any transmutation/shapechange/polymorph effects she has not willingly accepted.
'''{{Anchor|Regenerative Flesh}} {{Ex}}:''' The formweaver is now able to regrow lost limbs over the course of 3d6 minutes, though if she can pick the limb up and hold it against her stump, it reattaches instantly. As an extra bonus, she heals ability damage at a rate of 4 points per 24 hours(i.e., 1 every 6 hours), and negative levels are guaranteed to regenerate at the rate of 1 per 24 hours, plus an additional 1 depending on if she makes the fortitude save. As a super extra bonus, should the formweaver be mangled and nearly-dead, as long as she has her head intact, she can regrow her body. Gross.
'''{{Anchor|Mending Touch}} {{Ex}}:''' The weaver can use her biogenic touch as a heal on others as a standard action, mending bones, clotting bleeds, and revitalising tissue. It feels goddamned weird and also mends the lifeless, rotting flesh of the undead. This is usable 4+CHA mod times a day.
'''{{Anchor|Degenerate}} {{Su}}:''' The formweaver gains 2+STR mod uses of a newer, meaner biogenic touch. It deals its damage as Vile damage in addition to causing 2d3 STR, CON, and DEX drain. Degenerate tends to look like biogenic touch’s vein-like outlines spreading across the target’s body, which then erupt into malformed, cancerous flesh.
'''{{Anchor|Enhanced Weaponry}} {{Ex}}:''' The weaver's natural weapons can grow enchantment(s) in addition to counting as enhanced magic weapons. Changing the enchantment takes anywhere from one day to one week as well as something relevant to the nature of and equal to the value of the enchantment - often planar currency or something quest-relevant which will be consumed by the the action. Weapon enchantments gained in this way count as abilities for the purposes of bezoars.
'''{{Anchor|Perfected Metabolism}} {{Ex}}:''' The weaver’s control over her body improves, granting a further +3 to metabolic/control save bonuses. She also no longer ages, cannot die of old age, and age penalties go away.
'''{{Anchor|Perfected Weaponry}} {{Ex}}:''' The weaver’s natural weapons count as adamantine for all purposes of penetrating hardness and damage reduction and improve their damage category by one. She can also allow them to hold a second enchantment.
'''{{Anchor|Severing Touch}} {{Su}}:''' he If a creature takes damage from a formweaver gains 1+STR mod uses of an even more potent biogenic touch. It deals damage as normal and requires 's Biogenic Touch, they must make a fortitude Fortitude save or die. The DC for this effect scales with the weaver's strength. If a DC equal to [0.5*(damage)-5] or the creature touched is instantly killed and inhumed. This is, of coursesuccessfully saves, only useable on creatures who they are affected by biogenic touchsafe from this bullshit for 24 hours.
'''{{Anchor|Metabolic Control: Life}} {{Ex}}:''' The weaver can use her control over her own body to defy death itself. She gains a +3 to her resistance to death effects and, if she is killed under most circumstances, may take a DC 30 concentration check to simply not die.