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Talk:Wei Yu's Water Arrows (3.5e Spell)

428 bytes added, 04:30, 25 May 2013
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was this inspired while you were looking at the purifier class?? :P looks good, well balanced and makes sense, but are these Rays or arrows? it says "ranged attack roll" implying it's not "ranged touch attack roll". and you might want to re-read the lesser/greater difference again, kinda fumbles on organization. [[User:Snafusam|Snafusam]] ([[User talk:Snafusam|talk]]) May 24, 2013 21:12 (PDT)
: Well I had a bunch of hydromancer spell floating around (pun unintended). These are not rays, now arrow (in the strictest sense) but rather projectile, require normal attack roll rather than touch attack roll. As for greater arrows, you just channel and halves the number of arrows fired to fire stronger arrows that have a save vs knocked prone. --[[User:Leziad|Leziad]] ([[User talk:Leziad|talk]]) 04:30, 25 May 2013 (UTC)

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