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Arcane-Corrupted (3.5e Template)

323 bytes removed, 00:07, 12 January 2013
Special Qualities
Should the arcane-corrupted creature be brought to negative hit-points but not killed, on their next action this ability automatically activates a number of times to bring the creature to 0 HP or higher without the creature willing it to happen. The maximum HP to which they are brought by the unintentional use of this ability is zero. Further healing, either from other sources or from further applications of Regenerate Flesh must be used to bring the creature above 0 HP.
'''Resilience ([[Ex]]):''' As a free action that can be activated even when it's not the creature's turn, the arcane corrupted creature may reduce the damage from any source until the start of their next turn by a number equal to their HD; activating this ability adds three corruption points to the base creature's pool.
'''Resistance ([[Ex]]):''' As a free action that can be activated even when it's not the creature's turn, the arcane corrupted creature adds two to the next saving throw he makes; activating this ability adds three corruption points to the base creature's pool. This ability cannot be used to boost the saving throw against becoming corrupted when at or above the creature's threshold, or more than once against any use of an ability.

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