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Wall of Plasma (3.5e Invocation)

1 byte removed, 06:16, 26 November 2012
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{{#set:Summary=Must Much like a ''wall of fire'' , but much, much hotter.}}
This ability functions like ''[[SRD:Wall of Fire|wall of fire]]'', except radiates 1d6 fire damage per level out to 10 feet and 1d4 fire damage per level out to 20 feet. Passing through the wall is another story, provoking a [[Fortitude]] save DC 18 + [[Charisma]]. On a failed save , the target takes 2d6 fire damage per level, they are permenantly blinded, and are reduced to ash if they drop below 0 hp. A successful save halves the damage and negates the blindness, but still reduces them to ash if they fall below 0 hp.
The wall is opaque and glows bright white. All creatures with less than 8 HD are automatically blinded permenantly.
Only one instance of the wall may be active at a time, if another is invoked , the first vanishes.

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