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Seize Magic (3.5e Spell)

56 bytes removed, 22:17, 13 November 2012
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<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Spell
|name=Sieze Seize Magic |school=Abjuration |lvl=Shadowcaster 6 (Furtive Grasp), Sorcerer/Wizard 7 |comp=V, S |casttime=1 standard action |range=Close (25' + 5'/2 caster levels) |dur=Instantaneous and 1 minute/caster level (see below) |tsea=t |subj=One creature |save=None |sr=No |summary=Dispel spell effects on a target creature and keep one for yourself.
This spell functions as a targeted [[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|''Greater Dispel Magic'']]. You may make a Spellcraft check to identify every spell removed by this effect, and select one of them. That spell now affects you as though you were the original target, lasting for the remainder of its duration or for one minute per caster level, whichever is shorter.</onlyinclude>

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