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Chaos Sword (3.5e Equipment)

1 byte added, 02:54, 27 October 2012
Fixing a derp moment
*+3 enhancement bonus to [[SRD:Strength|Strength]]
*+10 ft. bonus to all movement speeds
*Ability to exit enter the flow of time, just like a [[Time Walker (3.5e Class)|time walker]], 5 times per day, gaining +8 Dexterity (in addition to the enhancement bonus already provided), +8 Wisdom, and the ability to reroll any die once per round for a number of rounds equal to 4 + your (newly improved) Wisdom bonus.
*[[SRD:Fast Healing|Fast healing]]/3
*Delaying strike (works the same way as the [[Time Walker (3.5e Class)|time walker's]] delaying strike)

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