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Arch-vile (3.5e Monster)

8 bytes added, 11:07, 22 October 2012
Combat: Link-fixing
'''Respawn ([[Su]]):''' As a full-round action at will, an arch-vile may revive any slain creature within 30 ft. restoring them to half their original hit points, with no level loss, and able to act immediately. They cannot revive a creature whose HD exceed their own. The only reason the lower planes has not been overrun with revived troops is that an arch-vile may only sustain 2 respawned creature per HD. Thus a 12 HD arch-vile can keep 24 respawned creatures alive at once, if it respawns another creature it must choose to recover its power from one of the currently revived creatures (killing it).
'''Spell-like Abilities ([[Sp]]):'''At will- ''[[SRD:Aid|aid]]'', ''[[SRD:Bestow Curse|bestow curse]]'', ''[[SRD:Contagion|contagion]]'', ''[[SRD:Continual Flame|continual flame]]'', ''[[SRD:Cure Light Wounds|cure light wounds]]'', ''[[SRD:Detect Good|detect good]]'', ''[[SRD:Dispel Good|dispel good]]'', ''[[SRD:Dispel Magic|dispel magic]]'', ''[[SRD:Doom|doom]]'', ''[[SRD:Invisibility|invisibility]] (self only)'', ''[[SRD:Lesser Restoration|lesser restoration]]'', ''[[SRD:Status|status]]'', ''[[SRD:Unholy Aura|unholy aura]]'', ''[[SRD:Unholy Blight|unholy blight]]''; 5/day- ''[[SRD:Mass Cure Light Wounds|mass cure light wounds]]'', ''[[SRD:See Invisibility|see invisibility]]''; 1/day- ''[[SRD:Heal|heal]]'', ''[[SRD:Plane Shift|plane shift]]''; 1/month- ''[[SRD:Raise Dead|raise dead]]''. Caster level 12th. The save DCs are [[Charisma]]-based.
'''Summon Yugoloth ([[Sp]]):''' 1/day, an arch-vile may attempt to summon 1 other arch-vile or 1d4 canoloths<sup>MM3</sup> with a 40% chance of success. The summon remains for 1 hour, and summons cannot use their own summon ability. Arch-viles are loath to call on each other, as if they die in combat they will surely be respawned, and thus at the whim and mercy, of another arch-vile.

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