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Brainstorm (3.5e Power)

61 bytes added, 03:41, 29 August 2012
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You summon up a living thundercloud which it chases the enemies down and pelts them with electrical shocks. Once per round, the thundercloud makes a ranged touch to a creature in your range with an attack roll of your BAB + your manifesting modifier dealing 2d6 electric damage. If the target is wearing metal armor or is metallic the thundercloud recieves receives a +3 bonus to hit. The thundercloud will hover over the head of the target relentlessly, even if they polymorph into another form or go invisible. However if the target goes out of range of the effect, the cloud vanishes and the power ends. The thundercloud itself is immune to damage, but may be [[SRD:Dispel Psionics|dispelled]] as normal. You can switch targets as a move action, though any new creature gets a [[Will]] save to negate the thundercloud. A creature can only be effected by one thundercloud at a time.
'''Augment:''' For every 2 power points spent, the damage increases by 1d6 points of damage. For each dice in By spending 2 additional damage the DC increases by onepower points you summon another cloud to harass a different target.

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