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Sanguiobelic Mask (3.5e Equipment)

1 byte removed, 01:03, 8 August 2012
''This blacked mask has the image of an expressionless human face. As you place on your face it suddenly snaps onto your flesh and there is a terrible sensation of burning as it fuses to your skin. When the pain subsides, the mask turns porcelain white and your expressions become like that of a [[Bloodstorm Devil (3.5e Monster)|bloodstorm devil]], and you are able to challenge your opponents to duels.''
Technically a cursed item, the sanguiobelic mask neverless has its purpose. Made from the fallen masks of bloodstorm devils that sometimes leave their dark imprint upon it, this black mask adheres to and becomes part of your face, turning to its normal porcelain white. While wearing the mask your lips do not move and your expressions chance rapidly between set extremes. It cannot be removed, acting like a cursed item which requires a ''[[SRD:Remove Curse|remove curse]]'' or similar effect of at least 15th caster level. While you wear this mask, your alignment counts as lawful evil whenever least advantegeous such as if you can be struck by smite evil, as well as on the result of ''[[SRD:Detect Evil|detect evil]]'' and similar spells. However there are a few advantagousadvantages.
While wearing the mask, your mind is protected from any effect which would read your mind such as ''[[SRD:Detect Thoughts|detect thoughts]]''. You are not immune to mind-affect effects, but you do gain a +2 profane bonus on [[Will]] saves against mind-affecting effects. You gain access to the following maneuvers once per encounter: ''[[Dance of Death (3.5e Maneuver)|dance of death]]'' (strike), ''[[Divine Wind Flurry (3.5e Maneuver)|divine wind flurry]]'' (strike), ''[[Mudra Parry (3.5e Maneuver)|mudra parry]]'' (counter). You cannot refresh these maneuvers unless you have levels in a maneuver-granting class, in which case you use the refresh method of the class.

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