|summary=We told this Test Subject to just go ahead and try to land on her head. Heh heh! She can't do it! Good work, boots.}}
''{{quote|<center>Gentlemen, I give you the Long Fall Boot. Think of it as foot-based suit of armor for the [[Portal Gun (3.5e Equipment)|Portal Device]] . <br>I'm not gonna lie to you, it's expensive as hell. But check this out: we told this Test Subject <br>to just go ahead and try to land on her head. Heh heh! She can't do it! Good work, boots.''</center>|orig=Cave Johnson, CEO of Aperture Magic|size=120px}}
The Long Fall Boot is a pair of metallic boots that reduces the falling damage to zero as long as the wearer lands on their feet. Luckily the Long Fall Boots always causes the wearer to land on their feet ''no matter what'', regardless if they are conscious or unconscious.