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Talk:Taint-blessed (3.5e Template)

17 bytes removed, 19:27, 15 July 2012
{{Rating|OldRating=True |rater=ThunderGod Cid |rating=dislike hate |reason=Reading through this really just made me kind of yawn, which is not a good thing. The only bit that I thought was sort of nifty was removing the alignment restrictions on Tainted feats. Other than that, it's a pile of +1 bonuses and a couple of ability score adjustments, which do nothing but rack up the CR of the template (I applaud not having Level Adjustment, else I would really be on your ass for that) and are OK passive bonuses but nothing that would excite me as a player. Since it's a transformative template, I think it would behoove you to remove the "lol +1" bonuses and focus on how it alters the character. Like what undead templates do, although they have their own problems so I won't elaborate on that example. Ability score bonuses are OK as long as you can justify them being in existence, but it seems to me from reading this that they should still suffer some ill effects from Taint and therefore be sick, sick people as opposed to generally being badass at everything for no reason other than they absorbed a whole bunch of shit that should have killed them and then somehow got better.}}

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