==== Taint ====
A Taint-blessed creature no longer gains depravity. Instead, its depravity score is threated as being one half its charisma score +2, except if the base creature is innately tainted, in which case we use the highest value. In fact, the taint released its grip on the creature mind, its only remain being its desire for good deeds. It does gains gain bonus feats provided by a high depravity.
However, a Taint-blessed creature acquires corruption as the base creature. Instead of normal ill effects, it may choose to suffers suffer a penalty to charisma and charisma-based skill checks. This penalty is of -2 for a mild corruption, -4 for a moderate corruption and -6 for a severe corruption. It gains bonus feats as the base creature, and if its corruption is high enough, it may die of it, as the base creature.
==== Organization ====