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User:ThunderGod Cid/Stone Dragon

2,951 bytes added, 21:48, 7 February 2012
|author_name=ThunderGod Cid
|date_created=July 26, 2011

<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Maneuver
|name=Rise of the Great Stone Dragon
|discipline=Stone Dragon
|prereq=Five Stone Dragon maneuvers
|range=Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
|subj=Creates a stone dragon (see text)
|dur=1 round/level
|save=See text
|summary=Creates a dragon made of stone to fight for you.
''“About to get boned by a giant stone dragon cock. Time to drink my own piss.”''

Having achieved complete mastery of the Stone Dragon discipline allows you to create an avatar of the great creature itself. When you use this maneuver, you create a gigantic draconic creature made of solid rock in a space within the designated range. You may command this creature to move and attack on the turn it is summoned immediately after your turn ends; each turn thereafter you must spend a another swift action to command it to act.

The dragon can be commanded out to a range of 1 mile per initiator level you possess, and has all of the statistics and abilities listed in the stat block below:

====The Great Stone Dragon====

{{3.5e Monster Classic
|creature=Great Stone Dragon
|size=Colossal |type=Construct |subtypes=Earth
|hd=18d10+80 |hp=179
|speed=Fly 80 ft. (perfect) (16 squares)
|ac=33 (-8 size, +1 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]], +30 natural) |touch=3 |flat=32
|bab=+13 |grapple=+49
|at=Bite +33 melee (12d8+30)
|full_at=Bite +33 melee (12d8+30, x3 on crit.) and 2 claws (8d6+20/19-20)
|space=25 ft. |reach=25 ft.
|sa=[[#Martial maneuvers|Martial maneuvers]]
|sq=[[SRD:Construct Type|Construct traits]], [[#Transference|transference]]
|fort=+6 |ref=+6 |will=+6
|str=50|dex=12|con=—|int=—|wis=— |cha=—
|skills=[[SRD:Hide Skill|Hide]] +8, [[SRD:Intimidate Skill|Intimidate]] +7, [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] +7, [[SRD:Search Skill|Search]] +4, [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] +7, [[SRD:Survival Skill|Survival]] +0 (+2 following tracks)
|feats=[[SRD:Improved Initiative|Improved Initiative]], [[SRD:Lightning Reflexes|Lightning Reflexes]]
|align=Always [[SRD:Neutral|neutral]]

With its powerful jaws and claws, in addition to numerous immunities, the Great Stone Dragon is very difficult to fight against, let alone destroy. Its primary function, however, is to act as a conduit for its controller's martial maneuvers.

'''{{Anchor|Martial Maneuvers}}:''' Any martial maneuvers that may be used by the martial adept who summoned the Great Stone Dragon may be used by the dragon itself. These maneuvers are spent normally and identify the dragon as the point of origin instead of its master.

'''{{Anchor|Transference}}:''' The Great Stone Dragon may use its controller's Base Attack Bonus and saving throws if they are superior to its own. The controller of the Great Stone Dragon may see through the creature

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