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Scare Tactics (3.5e Maneuver)

65 bytes added, 07:18, 25 January 2012
reordering for clarity - revert if desired
''"You'd better leave"''
You ''may'' make a DC 30 Intimidate check as you initiate this maneuver. If it Each creature that fails, its save is [[SRD:Shaken|shaken]] for the maneuver fails as well. ''Tome of Prowess Variant:'' The Intimidation check DC is only 20duration.
Each creature that fails its save is [[SRD:Shaken|shaken]] for When you initiate the durationmaneuver, you ''may'' make a DC 30 Intimidate check as you initiate this maneuver. If you succeeded succeed on the Intimidate check, creatures that fail their initial Will saves must repeat their Will saves until they succeed, becoming [[SRD:Shaken|shaken]] again (which stacks to worse levels of fear) each timethey fail. If the check fails, however, the maneuver fails as well. ''Tome of Prowess Variant:'' The Intimidation check DC is only 20.

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