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User talk:Omni Genesis/Seijuro Heiko (3.5e Prestige Class)

1,123 bytes added, 22:42, 20 December 2011
{{Rating |rater=ThunderGod Cid |rating=dislike |reason=So yeah, I know this about to be sandboxed for incompleteness, but in case it ever tries to make a recovery I'm putting this here to voice my displeasure. This class has buzzkill written all over it. First, it's one level long. Really. Only at level 1 is an actual new ability granted; all the rest of the levels are passive bonuses intended to make the levels not total shit and make you a bit better at fighting. Or, to sum up my second gripe, the other levels can provide major dip potential for critical builds or whatever that are looking for a free +3 bonus to their crit range. Just as an example. Flavor-wise, it's obviously intended to be taken with the Hiten Mitsurugi Apparentice base class, so egregiously so that it shouldn't exist by itself at all. Hiko should just be an NPC, not a prestige class.}}
==Read Closer==
I appreciate all feed back as a chance to continue my Dungeon Master skills and my creative nature. That said, to counter your points. 1. You become Seijuro Heiko at the first level of this class not at level 5 of it. You can only do this by breaking your mental barriers and thus master the move to beat the Ku Zu Ryu Sen of your previous master. The later levels are you in your times of wondering and worldly reflection continuing to hone your swordsman ship beyond what it was. 2. There is no "Dipping" into this class. You have to have 20 levels of Apprentice of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu to become this class and nothing less will work. The +3 to critical threat range is only another +1 applied from the base class needed. The only reason this is listed alone is because to my knowledge there is no such thing as a class going beyond 20th level. Yes there are epic versions of each class but this represents a new state of mind and advancement to the character that enhances the first class not works in pure escalation of abilities. - [[User:Omni Genesis|Omni Genesis]] 22:42, 20 December 2011 (UTC)

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