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User:Omni Genesis/Seijuro Heiko (3.5e Prestige Class)

No change in size, 15:41, 5 September 2011
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All of the following are class features of the Seijuro Heiko.
'''{{Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki}} {{Ex}}:''' The ultimate attack of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu fighting style. This attack is a full round attack. This is also a counter attack. The character must perform a Sense motive as part of a Swordsman Spirit check. They must also exceed the attack roll of the attacker by no less then 10 points. If successful then this attack interrupts the attackers rolls even if they had a readied action against them. This is a super version of the battōjutsu. It does does normal attack damage (can still be multiplied if a critical is rolled on attack roll), maximum battōjutsu dice damage of 15d6, and an extra 2d6 3d6 for each point of balance. This move happens with blinding speed even compared to the rest of the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu techniques. The recipient or another watching can see the moment the strike takes place with a Spot check DC of 50. This move can be blocked by someone who knows about the impending strike. They must make a controlled attack watching for the moment and be able to succeed in a DC 40 Concentration check to watch for the moment the attack is coming. The will then parry the attack. This is where the danger truly lies. Both the character and the attacker have to roll a secondary init that takes place in milliseconds. The attack however suffers a -15 penalty countered of course by anything they have to improve their initiative. If they fail to beat the Seijuro Heiko they are pulled in by a vacuum created by the displaced air of the first attack. This attack applies an additional 50% multiplier to the balance rating of the character and all dice damage will be maxed and weapon damage will be an automatic critical. If someone survives this they are really, really, REALLY not happy. This move is incredibly tasking on the character. Unlike the others this move can only be done once a day per 10 points of balance the character has. The DC of 45+5 for each use after the first one used beyond the allowed. Instead of loosing an attribute point they loose one permanent Hit dice + Con bonus of HP. This is not a negative level it is sign of disintegrated body. Only a Wish or similar spell can restore 1 lost dice.
'''{{Power of Balance}} {{Ex}}:''' This represents the further balance training and makes up for all the hard work training in the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu. The character gains +2 to all 6 attributes. The character recieves another +2 to all attributes also on 3rd and 5th level as well.
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