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Dilettante Necromancer (3.5e Feat)

No change in size, 21:02, 18 August 2011
swapping abilities
|skill4=Playing with fire leads one to want some protection. You gain resistance to positive and negative energy equal to your ranks in Arcana. You may lower or re-activate this protection at any time as a free action.
|skill9=Now that you are protected from the energies of life and unlife, you can infuse yourself with them and turn them against your foes. As an attack action you may make a ranged touch attack that deals 1d6 positive or negative energy damage. You may also add this damage to any natural weapons you possess. If this energy would heal a creature, you take the damage in their place.
|skill14=You learn a ritual that duplicates the effect of [[SRD:Animate Dead|''animate dead'']]. This ritual requires 1 full hour to complete, but otherwise mimics the spell including material requirements. Your caster level, for purposes of undead controlled, is equal to your ranks in Arcana -5.|skill19=Your studies have brought you to a ritual that can turn you into an undead creature. You may gain one, and only one, of the following templates: [[Tome of Necromancy (3.5e Sourcebook)/New Rules#Ghoul|Ghoul]], [[Tome of Necromancy (3.5e Sourcebook)/New Rules#Revenant|Revenant]], [[Tome of Necromancy (3.5e Sourcebook)/New Rules#Swordwraith|Swordwraith]], or [[Tome of Necromancy (3.5e Sourcebook)/New Rules#Vampire|Vampire]]. Your knowledge of these rituals does not allow you to turn others into these creatures, as they lack the training to survive the ritual. When you deal negative energy damage to a creature you heal an amount equal to the damage you deal.|skill19=You learn a ritual that duplicates the effect of [[SRD:Animate Dead|''animate dead'']]. This ritual requires 1 full hour to complete, but otherwise mimics the spell including material requirements. Your caster level, for purposes of undead controlled, is equal to your ranks in Arcana -5.

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