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Giant (3.5e Type)

919 bytes added, 20:57, 27 May 2023
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<noinclude>''This type is a substitute for the standard [[SRD:Giant Type|Giant Type]] and is NOT part of the SRD.''</noinclude>
<span style="display:none">[[Summary::Giants are massive humanoids born with deep reserves of supernatural power, granting them their customary size and strength, variety of forms, and even magical abilities.]]</span>
 <span style="display:none">[[Summary::Giants are massive humanoids born with deep reserves of supernatural powerIn the real world, granting them their customary mammalian creatures can't be the size and strength, variety that we normally think of formsas 'giant'. Their bodily structures just wouldn't support it, and even magical abilitiesthey would all die long before they got to Huge size.]]]]</span> Giants are massive humanoids born Fortunately, D&D can explain all that away with deep reserves of supernatural powermagic, granting them which is what allows giants to sustain their customary size and strength, variety of overly large forms. In keeping with this concept, and even magical abilities.]] Nearly nearly all creatures with the giant type are at least Large size, but even those that are smaller than Large at least have the Powerful Build trait to represent their increased bulk and giant traits.This is also a natural lead-in to the idea that magic can go from granting giants their customary size and strength to granting a variety of forms and even magical abilities.
* Low-light vision.
* Giants are treated as proficient with any weapons noted in their entry (regardless of feats for exotic weapons and the like) and any thrown weapons. All giants also possess a slam attack that gains iterative attacks with their base attack bonus and deals damage according to their size(1d8 for a Medium-size creature) and adds their Strength modifier to attack and damage rolls.* A giant may qualify for the [[Large Size (3.5e Feat)|Large Size]] and [[Huge Size (3.5e Feat)|Huge Size]] feats as though they were a fiend. They do not qualify as a fiend for any other purposes by virtue of these feats or being a member of the giant type, and must meet all other prerequisites to qualify for the feats.
* '''Throw Anything {{Ex}}:''' Giants can throw objects (whether they be rocks, wooden planks, or other pieces of debris) up to four sizes smaller than themselves in one hand. In this case, ‘size’ refers to the size of the projectile itself, not the creature by whom it is wielded (thus, a Fine object can be up to six inches in diameter). Such a projectile deals 1d6 points of damage per size category it possesses (beginning at 1d6 damage for a Fine-sized projectile and advancing accordingly) and has a range increment of 10 feet per size category of the giant throwing it. Giants add their Strength modifier to both attack and damage rolls with these weapons.
* '''Catch {{Ex}}:''' When a giant is targeted with a ranged weapon that they would be capable of throwing and is aware of the attack, it may attempt to catch the projectile as an immediate action by making an attack roll opposing that of the thrower. It must have at least one hand free in order to attempt to catch something. A giant who successfully catches a projectile may elect to throw it at another creature within its normal throwing range as part of the same immediate action. A giant may only block weapons with enhancement bonuses up to its HD divided by four; anything with a higher bonus cannot be caught.
* Giants eat, sleep, and breathe.
== Giant-kin ==
The following playable races utilize the new Giant type:
* [[Giantkin (3.5e Race)]]
== Giant Type Creatures==
[[Category:Creature Type]]
[[Category:Big Book of Monsters]]

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