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Quintessent Strike (3.5e Maneuver)

1,463 bytes added, 01:50, 1 July 2011
Created page with "{{author |author_name=Eiji-kun |date_created=6-30-11 |status=Complete }} <onlyinclude>{{3.5e Maneuver |name=Quintessent Strike |discipline=Diamond Mind |type=Strike |desc= |lvl=..."

<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Maneuver
|name=Quintessent Strike
|discipline=Diamond Mind
|prereq=Need four Diamond Mind maneuvers
|initiation=Standard Action
|range=Melee Attack
|subj=One Creature
|save=Will negates
|summary=Freeze a victim in time.
''Your mind begin to outpace time itself, the lost time forming as a thick green gel on your blade. With a decisive stab you plunged both blade and quintessence into the heart of your enemy.''

Make a single melee attack. In addition to normal damage they must make a DC 19 + [[Int]] modifier [[Will]] save or become frozen in time. In such a state they are invulnerable to damage, but also helpless and unable to move, see, or feel anything. They are effectively paralyzed, though immunity to paralysis is not immunity to this effect. They can remained paralyzed indefinately, and can only be freed with a ''[[SRD:Freedom|freedom]]'', ''[[SRD:Limited Wish|limited wish]]'', ''[[SRD:Mage's Disjunction|mage's disjunction]]'', ''[[SRD:Miracle|miracle]]'', ''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]'', or entering an ''[[SRD:Antimagic Field|antimagic field]]'' which suppresses it for as long as they remain in the field.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.
{{3.5e Diamond Mind Maneuver Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:Complete Sublime]]

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