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151 bytes removed, 22:21, 18 June 2011
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{{Tsrwotc}}{{Source|[[Paizo Publishing]]}} 
In the [[role-playing game]] ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'', '''dragons''' are an iconic [[Creature type|creature]] used as either enemies or allies of [[player character]]s. Dragons are often depicted as having many different races, each usually based on a particular color of their scales or an affinity with an [[element]].<ref>Andy Collins, Skip Williams, and James Wyatt. ''Draconomicon'' (Wizards of the Coast, 2003).</ref> This classification has been used in a great deal of modern [[Wikipedia:Fantasy|fantasy]] [[Wikipedia:Fiction|fiction]].
|name=Gold dragon
|alignment=[[Lawful Good]]
|source= Draconomicon, Monster Manual v3.5
|3.5e stats=http[[SRD:// Dragon|Gold Dragon]]
* '''Maximum Height:''' 22 feet
|name=Silver dragon
|alignment=Lawful Good or Chaotic Good (2nd Edition)
|source=''Monster Manual 3.5''
|3.5e stats=http[[SRD:// Silver Dragon|Silver Dragon]]

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