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Sword of Prophecies (4e Power)

38 bytes added, 08:50, 3 May 2011
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|special2=You conjure up a sword of brilliance in an unoccupied square adjacent to an enemy within range. As a move action, you can move the sword to a new target within its range. The sword lasts until the end of the encounter, or you can dismiss it as a free action. It attacks when you make a standard action, and it can also initiate opportunity attacks and provide flanking bonuses as if it were a creature.
|target=One creature
|special2=You conjure up a sword of brilliance in an unoccupied square within range, and it attacks. As a move action, you can move the sword to a new target within its range. The sword lasts until the end of the encounteryour next turn.
|target=One creature

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