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Maximum Rampage (3.5e Maneuver)

1,030 bytes added, 03:20, 3 April 2011
hurtling forwards is good for you
|status=Just started

<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Maneuver
|name=Maximum Rampage
|discipline=Domestic Tarrasque
|prereq=Three Domestic Tarrasque maneuvers
|save=Reflex negates
|summary=You rush forwards, heedless of anything in your path.
''You bound forwards, hopping onto the chests of anyone in your way.''

As part of this maneuver, move twice your speed (with whichever movement mode you desire) in a straight line. You smash through unattended objects and terrain with hardness less than your Jump check modifier without difficulty. Each creature in your way may attempt a Reflex save to get out of your way. Any creatures who fail their Reflex saves are knocked prone, and you deal damage to those creatures' armor equal to your Jump check modifier.

{{3.5e Domestic Tarrasque Maneuver Breadcrumb}}

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