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Steal and Strike (4e Feat)

274 bytes removed, 05:24, 24 March 2011
<onlyinclude>{{x04e Feat|nbofbalancename= -Steal and Strike|prereqtypes=[[4e Index (4e Other)#Two-Weapon Fighting|Two-Weapon Fighting]], [[4e Index (4e Other)#Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] ([[4e Index (4e Other)#Rapier|Rapier]]), Weapon Focus (Kukri).|descsummary= You can disarm a foe with your [[4e Index (4e Other)#Rapier|rapier]] and then make a followup attack with your kukril}}kukri|fluff===Steal and Strike [General]=== You have mastered a style of fighting which involves both the rapier and the kukri. '''Tier:''' |tier=Heroic '''Prerequisite:''' {{I}}Two-Weapon Fighting|prereqs=Two-Weapon Fighting]], {{I}}Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] ({{I}}Rapier|Rapier]]), Weapon Focus (Kukri) '''Benefit:''' |benefit=You can attempt to disarm an opponed with your rapier. Make a {{I}}ability scores|Dexterity]] Vs. {{I}}reflex defense|reflex]] attack. If you suceed, the target drops a weapon of your choice that it was carrying. When you sucessfully disarm a foe in this way, you can make a {{I}}basic attack|basic attack]] against that foe with your kukri as a {{I}}free action|free action]].|upgrade=|power=<!-- If this feat grants a power, put the name of the power here. You will need to create the power on the page "Power Name (4e Power)" before or after this. -->|normal=|example=|special=}}</onlyinclude>
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