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SRD:Ethereal Marauder

163 bytes removed, 18:06, 15 February 2011
{{OGL Top}}
=ETHEREAL MARAUDER=Ethereal Marauder==
{{3.5e Monster Classic
|creature=Ethereal Marauder
|size=Medium |type=Magical Beast |subtypes=Extraplanar
Ethereal marauders speak no known [[SRD:Speak Language Skill|languages]]. Survivors of their attacks on the [[SRD:Material Plane|Material Plane]] claim that they emit an eerie, high whine that varies in pitch depending on the creature’s speed and [[SRD:Heal|heal]]th.
Once a marauder locates prey, it shifts to the [[SRD:Material Plane|Material Plane]] to attack, attempting to catch its victim [[SRD:Flat-Footed|flat-footed]]. The creature bites its victim, then retreats quickly back to the [[SRD:Ethereal Plane|Ethereal Plane]]. When badly hurt or wounded, a marauder escapes to its home plane rather than continuing the fight.
----{{SRD Creature BreadcrumbFooter}}{{OGL Bottom|part of the Revised (v.3.5) System Reference Document|SRD}}[[Category:SRD]][[Category:OGL]][[Category:Monster]][[Category:Ethereal Plane|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]]
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