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Lawful Good  + , Lawful Neutral  + , Lawful Evil  + , Neutral Good  + , Neutral  + , Neutral Evil  + , Chaotic Good  + , Chaotic Neutral  + , Chaotic Evil  +
The-Mage-King  +
Martial Maneuvers  +
3.5e Prestige Class  +
5  +
Undiscussed  +
Balance  + , Concentration  + , Intimidate  + , Jump  + , Knowledge  + , Martial Lore  + , Spot  + , Swim  + , Tumble  +
Synergistic abilities between Diamand Mind and Hero's Edge martial disciplines  +
Follower of the Third  +
Modification date
"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
23:21:02, 30 March 2015  +
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