Snarrgoth (3.5e Race)
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Monstrous humanoids with long arms that are distantly related to halflings.
These people are scavengers and ready for everything that may happen to them. They value personal success, but uphold traditions and community rules as a way to protect themselves and those they care for. They don't frown upon stealing, at least if the thief isn't caught. In fact, a typical show of prowess among them is to steal precious or useful items from others. They are otherwise loud and love to have fun, sometimes at the expense of others. Despite this somewhat obnoxious nature, they are also prone to fit of melancholy, as if they were longing for something they don't have (malicious tongues like to say that that's why they steal). They like to scare people, especially those young.
Physical Description[edit]
Snarrgoths are small folks, but their stout body, low point of gravity, long arms, large hands and thick mane makes them appear bigger. They have prominent lower jaws, a flat nose, pointed ears and a large forehead, which makes their face monstrous looking. They have broad shoulders and a big chest, with the ribcage protruding visibly from the inside, their waist is thinner than the upper body and their short legs are often bended at the knee. They have a mane on the top of the head, made of thick, black hair that run along their arched back, up to a short tail that it's covered with them. They also have thick hair on the upper parts of their big hands. The rest of their bodies is hairless and the skin ranges from pale yellow to light brown and grey, while those said to be of fiendish heritage have jet black skin and white air. They have long fingers and metallic nails, as hard as steel. Their most prominent feature are their long arms, which can become even longer when they extend their extra elbow joint.
They tend to wear comfortable clothes, with earthy tones, which allows their unusual body to be more comfortable and to extend their arms. Savage snarrgoths wear simple clothes, sometimes only a loincloth, but those that live among civilization wear local clothes.
Due to their appearance they are often considered to be goblinoids and treated as such. Those that know the difference may not be friendly with them anyway because of their marauding ways. They aren't really that bad and can get along with anyone that goes beyond appearances and tracial prejudice. They consider halflings to be kindred souls but the small folk generally doesn't want to be associated with them, despite sages consider the two races to be distant relatives. Human children are told stories about boogeymen that resemble snarrgoths.
Most snarrgoths are neutral evil, though they usually manage their malice, which isn't really leaning towards violence. Any other alignment may be found among them, though less often.
Savage snarrgoths live in deep forests or shallow caves. They live off the land, taking whatever resources they can. They are quite almost vegetarian, and prefer to move during the night, or at least at dusk.
Civilized ones live in medium sized cities or more. They often partecipate or command the local Thieves' Guild, or are employed in public works that use their unique physiology while keeping them out of view of the civilized folk.
They don't have any racial deity, but each community worships different gods or spirits, usually paying homage to gods of thievery, nature and monstrous gods, usually each different depending on the land where they live. They are quite spiritual, or at least superstitious, and even those that are not very religious are taught to pay respect to the proper god whenever they try to do something, as a way to gain their favor.
They speak Common and Halfling, the latter is their racial language, a vestige of their origin. Many learn Goblin and Orc tongue, as they have most contact with these other races than with the others. Nature-dwelling snarrgoths sometimes learn Sylvan, while many like to learn Abyssal because the language can be used to scare those that don't understand it because of its harshness and tone (and even those that can understand it).
Typical names are Gennor, Mikerla, Zazzion, Kherestal, Uihichu, which are not differentiated by gender, meaning that males and females may have the same name. They like to change names a bit, usually changing a letter or a syllable, or adding or cutting away pieces. Snarrgoth, true to their halfling origins, are also fond of titles and surnames.
Racial Traits[edit]
- +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity: Snarrgoths are very strong, having good muscles in their arms, but they are goofy when moving and have poor coordination.
- Monstrous Humanoid: The original snarrgoths were humanoid, but countless generations have changed them into completely different creatures.
- Small: As a Small creature, a snarrgoth gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –4 size penalty on special attack (bull rushes, grapples, overruns, and trips) checks, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but it uses smaller weapons than humans use, and its lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
- Snarrgoth base land speed is 20 feet.
- Darkvision: A snarrgoth can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and a snarrgoth can function just fine with no light at all.
- Extra Elbow Joint (Ex): Snarrgoths have an extra elbow joint, usually hidden which may be extended to elongate their arms. Beyond their normally long arms they can extend them even further by expanding this extra joint. When they do so they can manipulate objects as if they had reach, allowing them to strike farther away, but only if not using a two-handed weapon, and they take a -2 penalty to all rolls made while manipulating objects with this extra reach. Activating and retracting the joint is a free action, that they may only take on their turn. This increase in reach stacks with other increments.
- Iron Nails (Ex): They have metallic-looking nails, as hard as iron. Snarrgoths may freely choose to inflict slashing damage instead of bludgeoning when they use their unarmed strikes. They also increase the critical range of any claw attack they may have by one. This change happens after all similar changes to critical range. Their nails count as metallic for any beneficial purpose.
- Monstrous Body (Ex): Due to their unique physiology, if they wear armor they need to have it made especially for them, resulting into an increase of 50% of the base mundane price, before any additions. If not, they can't use their extra elbow joint while wearing it, but don't suffer any other penalty. They also gain a +2 to Intimidate checks.
- Powerful Build (Ex): Despite their small build, snarrgoths are strong and count as creatures of one size larger when dealing with size modifiers or special attacks that work differently based on size. They gain the Powerful Build feat (and special ability).
- Scavenger (Ex): Snarrgoths are scrappy and able to rely on anything they can. They gain a +2 to Survival checks and always have Survival as a class skill. They can also eat rotten or poisonous food without suffering any ill side-effects.
- +2 to Climb checks. Their longer arms and above average strength make them adept at climbing.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Halfling
- Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Goblin, Gnome, Orc, Sylvan
- Favored Class: Any
- Level Adjustment: +1
- Effective Character Level: 2
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Author | the bluez in the dungeon + |
Effective Character Level | 2 + |
Favored Class | Any + |
Identifier | 3.5e Race + |
Level Adjustment | 1 + |
Racial Ability Adjustments | +2 Strength + and -2 Dexterity + |
Rating | Unrated + |
Size | Small + |
Summary | Monstrous humanoids with long arms that are distantly related to halflings. + |
Title | Snarrgoth + |
Type | Monstrous Humanoid + |