Silver Mirror Greatshield (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 7-7-13
Status: Complete
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Silver Mirror Greatshield
Price: 50,000 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 20
Aura: Strong conjuration; (DC 24)
Activation: See text
Weight: 25 lb.

"The lightning reflected harshly across the polished shimmer of the monster's greatshield as he slammed it in front of the fighter. A close call, it looked like it had missed with its shield bash... when to my horror I realized a terrible demonic warrior was reflected in the mirror instead of the fighter. It bashed at its imprisonment, cracking the glass and releasing it into the world."

This +1 reflecting silver greatshield appears to be as a giant ornate mirror, oval shaped and nearly the size of a man with complex and delicate silver embossing on the edges and a polished eternally-clear mirror surface on the front. It always appears clear of debris and residue. Besides its functions as a mirror and a shield, it has two unique functions.

The shield bonus applies against the attack rolls of ray spells. If the ray rolls enough to hit touch, but not enough to hit touch + the shield bonus the ray has hit the shield and is reflected at the caster with the same attack bonus.

Secondly, the silver mirror greatshield may be slammed down into the ground as a 1 round action, displaying the distorted reflection of a creature which immediately attempts to break out. In effect the shield grants use of a summon monster spell, but allows the summoning of any non-unique creature with a CR of 1/2 the user's HD or lower. The creature serves the user for 1 round/HD before vanishing. A user may only have one summon active at a time and they must make concentration checks as if they were casting a summon monster 5 spell, though they do not provoke attacks of opportunity. The user may use this ability once every 5 rounds. While in the process of summoning, the user does not receive their shield bonus to AC.

If the shield is ever taken to the Plane of Mirrors, a dimensional vortex occurs and the shield collapses into a wormhole with a 20 ft. radius. All creatures in the area must make a DC 30 Fortitude save or be whisked away and thrown into a random plane. The wielder of the shield at such a time receives no save. The vortex lasts for 3 rounds before vanishing. This destroys the shield, and likely everything within 20 feet.

Prerequisites: CL 20th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; gate, ray deflectionSpC; Market price 50,000 gp; 25,000 gp + 2000 XP.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5639 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Body SlotHeld +
Cost50,000 gp +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA giant shield halfway between a heavy shield and a tower shield, it has a reflective shine allowing it to deflect rays and summon mirror-versions of actual creatures. +
TitleSilver Mirror Greatshield +