Shaman (5e Class)/Bond of the Guardian
In many cases, a would-be Shaman seeks out an Eidolon to bond with as a means of protection when they are not strong enough to protect themselves and their loved ones - Often, these Shamans are children, the elderly, or the crippled. These Shamans, often called Guardians, rely on their Eidolon for safety, and extend this safety to those around them.
Shamans the choose the Bond of the Guardian most often have Biped, Quadruped or Serpentine Eidolons, typically of the Celestial, Fey, Dragon or Elemental type.
Bond Spells[edit]
Beginning at 2nd level when you select this Bond, you learn the Blade Ward cantrip, and you learn additional spells of 1st level and higher when you reach certain levels of this class, as shown on the Guardian Spells table below. Each of these spells counts as a Shaman spell for you, but doesn't count against the number of Shaman spells you know.
You cannot use Bond Spells to Barter for a Retrieved spell, nor can you replace them upon gaining a Shaman level. Likewise, your Bond Spells are not affected by Restricted Casting, as they result from your connection directly to your Eidolon, rather than from your connection to the Other Side.
Shaman Level | Spells Gained |
1st | Blade Ward, Shield |
3rd | Blur |
5th | Counterspell |
7th | Death Ward |
9th | Circle of Power |
Shield Ally[edit]
Beginning at 2nd level when you select this Bond, your eidolon becomes an expert at protecting those that hide in the shelter of its hulking shadow. Your Eidolon can protect a number of creatures at a given time up to a number equal to your Proficiency Bonus; You may designate which creatures to protect as part of the same action used to command your Eidolon, or to summon it to your side using your Call for Aid feature. Protected creatures gain a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws as long as they remain within 10ft of your Eidolon. Your Eidolon cannot grant this benefit if it is grappled or incapacitated. Your Eidolon cannot benefit from its own Shield Guardian ability.
Call For Aid[edit]
Beginning at 2nd level when you select this Bond, you learn how to call your Eidolon forth quickly in times of need. As a Bonus Action, you can expend a Pact Magic spell slot to summon your Eidolon to your side; If you are not Surprised, you can do this as a Reaction immediately upon rolling for initiative. You Eidolon appears in an unoccupied space you can see within 10ft of you.
- If your Eidolon was slain, it is called to your side temporarily. It appears with half of its maximum hit points. Its form is unstable, however, and you must Concentrate to maintain it, as if you were concentrating on a spell, and after a maximum of 10 minutes, it vanishes back into the aether as if it was slain again.
- If your Eidolon was temporarily dismissed, or if your Eidolon is summoned and on the same plane of existence as you, it is teleported to your side, and it regains hit points equal to your Wisdom bonus, plus 1d6 per level of the Pact Magic slot used to call it to your side.
Improved Shield Ally[edit]
Beginning at 6th level, you Eidolon can use its Action to shield its designated wards from harm instead of attacking. When it does so, creatures protected by your Eidolon's Shield Ally have resistance to damage dealt by any source the Eidolon can see.
Immediate Transposition[edit]
Beginning at 6th level, your Eidolon gains the ability to leap to your aid, and likewise, you gain the ability to more easily stay in its shadow. This grants you two benefits:
- When you would be subjected to damage while within 60ft of your Eidolon, your Eidolon can use its Reaction to interpose itself between you and the source of the harm by using your Call For Aid feature. When it does so, the Eidolon suffers all of the effect's damage in your stead. The healing granted by Call For Aid, if any, is granted to the Eidolon immediately after it suffers the damage.
- When you use your Call For Aid feature while within 60ft of your Eidolon while it is summoned, you can choose to teleport to the Eidolon's side, rather than calling it to yours. When you do so, you appear in an unoccupied space of your choice within 10ft of the Eidolon that the Eidolon can see.
Expanded Ward[edit]
Beginning at 14th level, the range of your Shield Ally, Call For Aid and Immediate Transposition abilities is increased from 10ft, to 30ft.
In addition, you are always counted as under the protection of your Eidolon's Shield Ally while you are within 30ft of it, without counting against the number of creatures your Eidolon can protect at once.
Efficient Protection[edit]
Beginning at 14th level, calling your Eidolon to your side becomes second nature, so engrained in you that it requires only a fraction of your spellcasting efforts. Whenever you expend a Pact Magic spell slot to activate your Call To Aid or Immediate Transposition abilities, immediately after the ability takes effect, you regain a Pact Magic spell slot; However, this slot is always one level lower than the Pact Magic spell slot expended to activate the ability.
for example, expending a 5th-level Pact Magic slot would cause you to regain a 4th-level Pact Magic slot, while expending a 4th-level Pact Magic slot would cause you to regain a 3rd-level Pact Magic slot, etc.
All of your Pact Magic spell slots return to their normal levels when you finish a Short Rest.
Master Guardian[edit]
At 18th level, your Eidolon has become a defensive bulwark to rival the gods. This grants you the following benefits.
- The bonus to saving throws and AC granted by Shield Ally increases to +4.
- You Eidolon can use Immediate Transposition to suffer harm in the stead of any creature protected by its Shield Ally ability, instead of only protecting you.
- When your slain Eidolon is summoned to your side using Call For Aid, it appears with all of its hit points restored, and if you maintain concentration on its form for 1 minute, it is fully re-summoned to the material as if you'd cast the Find Familiar spell, though this does not require any verbal, somatic or material components.