Shadow Hand (3.5e Martial Discipline)/All Maneuvers
Occult Sovereignty, Shadow Hand, Tiger Claw (Strike) [X-Discipline] | |
Level: | 3 |
Initiation Action: | Standard, attack of opportunity, see text |
Range: | Melee attack |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
You hit the foe right in the face, hoping that he won't be able to finish his spell once his nose is smashed.
You can initiate this maneuver whenever you would make an attack against a spellcaster in the process of casting a spell, as long as that attack is not part of another maneuver or a full attack. You can initiate this maneuver as part of an attack of opportunity or as a standard action. Make a single melee attack. If it connects, the attack does 2d6 extra damage, and is considered to have dealt twice as much damage as it actually did for the purpose of determining the Concentration DC to avoid losing a spell, power, or other such ability.
Eloquent Speech, Shadow Hand (Strike) [Mind-Affecting, X-Discipline, Language-Dependent] | |
Level: | 7 |
Prerequisite: | Three Eloquent Speech Maneuvers, Three Shadow Hand Maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | 1 standard action |
Range: | Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels) |
Targets: | One creature and one object in their possession |
Duration: | 1 round/level |
Saving Throw: | Will negates |
"You are like your sword. Violent and stupid." With that, you bind the existence of the two together in shadow.
Choose one creature and an object in their possession. If the creature fails its Will save, any damage dealt to the creature or object during the duration is also dealt to the other.
This maneuver is supernatural.
Shadow Hand, Tiger Claw (Strike) [Death, X-Discipline] | |
Level: | 5 |
Prerequisite: | Two Shadow Hand Maneuvers, One Tiger Claw Maneuver |
Initiation Action: | 1-round action |
Range: | Melee attack |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | Fortitude partial |
You dramatically raise your scythe above your cowering foe. Rooted to the spot in their panic, they simply crouch there as you slice their head off.
Make a melee attack against the target. You automatically roll a natural 20 on the attack roll, but must roll normally to confirm the critical hit. In addition, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + Dexterity modifier) or die.
Only the Fortitude save to avoid death is a Death effect; immunity to Death effects does not protect against the automatic hit.
Note that Brutal Murder is a 1-round action, not a full-round action: the target has an entire turn to get out of reach and make your maneuver effectively wasted.
Shadow Hand (Strike) [Figment, Shadow] | |
Level: | 4 |
Prerequisite: | One Shadow Hand maneuver |
Initiation Action: | Standard Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | Permanent until discharged (D) |
Saving Throw: | Will negates |
You cloak yourself in illusion not unlike major image of any object within one size category of yourself, such as a large chest, a statue, or a fireplace, giving you a +20 on Disguise checks to appear as the object. Your sounds are muffled (+10 to Move Silently checks) while you retain your false image, though moving around is certain to break your disguise. Any action that breaks invisibility breaks this effect.
Creatures which interact with you gain a Will save to disbelieve, DC 14 + Wisdom modifier. This is a supernatural ability.
Shadow Hand (Strike) [Darkness] | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | Standard Action |
Range: | 20 ft |
Area: | Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius from you, 20 ft. high |
Duration: | 1 round |
Saving Throw: | None |
Throwing down a blot of shadow, it explodes into a thick cloud of black smoke centered on you. This acts like obscuring mist, and darkvision cannot pierce it. You can see through your own cloud. [Light] effects of 2nd level or higher can dispel the smoke early.
Shadow Hand (Rush) | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | 1 move action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | One Round |
Saving Throw: | None |
As part of this maneuver, you may move up to your base land speed. You do not take penalties to hiding for this motion. You may keep hiding for one round even without concealment or cover.
Shadow Hand (Stance) [Shadow] | |
Level: | 5 |
Prerequisite: | Two Shadow Hand maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Your shadow begins to dance independently of you, stretching out snake like tentacles that worm across the landscape.
Your shadow grows four shadowy tentacles out of it under your control. You can grab and manipulate objects out to 30 ft as if they were your own hands, though they cannot wield weapons or shields, only hold them. You can make combat maneuver checks such as disarm and grapple at range, and you can make an attack with them as if they were natural weapons. Attacks with the tentacles are touch attacks. Instead of hp damage, they deal a stacking -2 penalty to Str which lasts for 1 round.
Dark cannot exist without light. In total darkness, the effect of the stance is suppressed. You can also expend the stance as an immediate action to negate any [Light] effect of 5th level or lower, which drops you out of this stance. This is a supernatural maneuver.
Shadow Hand (Boost) [Shadow] | |
Level: | 5 |
Prerequisite: | Two Shadow Hand maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
Duration: | See text |
Saving Throw: | Will negates |
There was nothing in this room but harmless pots. But one pot moved behind you to attack!
You conceal yourself in shadowy illusions, making you look like any pre-existing item in line of sight that is one size larger or smaller than yourself. For example you can transform into an urn, or a treasure chest, or a statue. When you initiate this maneuver make a Hide check, the result being your effective Disguise check to appear as the item. You remain in this state until you perform any attack that would negate invisibility or any effect which requires concentration (such as spellcasting). You can move, but the object will appear gliding across the ground and quickly break the disguise. If a creature interacts with the false object they get a Will save (DC 15 + Wis modifier) to disbelieve the illusion. True seeing also can defeat the illusion.
Swordsages often use this to get the one-up on the enemy, or as a way of hiding when they are on the run. This is a supernatural maneuver.
Occult Sovereignty, Shadow Hand, Setting Sun, Tiger Claw (Strike) [X-Discipline] | |
Level: | 2 |
Initiation Action: | Standard, attack of opportunity, see text |
Range: | Melee attack |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Evocations make the best counterspells.
You can initiate this maneuver whenever you would make an attack against a spellcaster in the process of casting a spell, as long as that attack is not part of another maneuver or a full attack. You can initiate this maneuver as part of an attack of opportunity or as a standard action. Make a single melee attack. If it connects, the attack does normal damage, but it is considered to have dealt twice as much damage as it actually did for the purpose of determining the Concentration DC to avoid losing a spell, power, or other such ability.
Infinite Lotus, Shadow Hand (Stance) [X-Discipline, Time, Shadow] | |
Level: | 9 |
Prerequisite: | Two Infinite Lotus maneuvers, Two Shadow Hand maneuvers, Knowledge(planes) 20 ranks, |
Initiation Action: | Swift |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Stance |
Saving Throw: | N/A |
Through knowledge of the Temporal Energy Plane, Astral Plane, and Plane of Shadow, you have learned how to let your footing rest in all of them at once, taking advantage of your uncertain existence.
Whenever you make an attack against someone within your melee reach(it doesn't need to hit), you may immediately teleport adjacent to them as a free action.
In addition, you acquire Improved Delay Strikes except it can use any mental modifier in place of Cha, and Delayed Charge, except you may delay the actions a number of extra rounds equal to your highest mental modifier, but the multiplication tops out at x6, serving only to maintain the delay for tactical purposes.
If you already had either of these class features, your reach and threatened range increase by 50% or 10', whichever is better, if you already had one, or 75% or 20', whichever is better, if you already had both.
Shadow Hand, Eternal Glacier (Strike) [Cold, Evil, X-Discipline] | |
Level: | 6 |
Prerequisite: | One Eternal Glacier maneuver, two Shadow Hand maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | 1 standard action |
Range: | Melee attack |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | Fortitude partial |
Make a single melee attack. If it hits, in addition to its normal damage, it does 4d8 cold damage, 4d8 vile damage, and 2d8 vile cold damage. The opponent also takes 1d8 Strength damage, which can be negated with a Fortitude save (DC = 16 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier, whichever is better).
Occult Sovereignty, Shadow Hand (Strike) [X-Discipline] | |
Level: | 4 |
Prerequisite: | One Occult Sovereignty or Shadow Hand maneuver |
Initiation Action: | Standard, attack of opportunity, see text |
Range: | Melee attack |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
You hit the foe right in the face, hoping that he won't be able to finish his spell once you've lobotomized him.
You can initiate this maneuver whenever you would make an attack against a spellcaster in the process of casting a spell, as long as that attack is not part of another maneuver or a full attack. You can initiate this maneuver as part of an attack of opportunity or as a standard action. Make a single melee attack. If it connects, the attack does 4d6 extra damage, and is considered to have dealt three times as much damage as it actually did for the purpose of determining the Concentration DC to avoid losing a spell, power, or other such ability.
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Bone Crown, Shadow Hand (Stance) | |
Level: | 8 |
Prerequisite: | Two Bone Crown Maneuvers, Two Shadow Hand Maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
The Dark Empress was a master of both her own Bone Crown discipline, but previously mastered Shadow Hand at the Temple. Her most dreaded stance was a combination of both discipline.
As you enter this stance, you create up to a nine shadowy copies of yourself all adjacent to yourself. You and your copies are only able to take a single move action, but you have a single shared standard action each round you may use through you or any of your copies. If you or one copies initiate a maneuver, use an item, cast a spell or otherwise use an ability it is counted as if you did it, consuming the appropriated resources. In effect you exist in any square occupied by a copy, they have no real statistic of their own and are not considered a separate creature.
Your copies have your AC, saves and other defensive ability (such as Evasion). They have 2 hit points per initiator level and are destroyed at 0 hit point. Any damage in excess of their hit point is dealt to you. The copies only exist if they are within 120 feet of you, if any move past that range or you move away they have 1 round to return in range otherwise they wink out of existence.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.
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Iron Heart, Shadow Hand (Counter) [X-Discipline] | |
Level: | 4 |
Prerequisite: | One Iron Heart maneuver or One Shadow Hand maneuver |
Initiation Action: | Immediate |
Range: | See text |
Target: | One charging creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | Fortitude partial; see text |
SHING! You swear a full minute passes before one of the fighters finally moves, crumbling to the floor.
If you are charged by a creature you may activate this maneuver and move in a straight line up to twice your move speed (minimum 10 ft). Make a charge attack against your opponent. If you hit, your opponent must make a Fortitude save (DC 14 + your Str mod) or be reduced to -1 hp and dying. You also must also make a Fortitude save (DC 14 + your opponent's Str mod) or you will be reduced to -1 hp and dying.
If your attack misses, the opponent can still hit you with their charge with no other effects, and you still move your intended distance. On a successful save by either party, their charge attack goes through as normal. This is a high risk high reward maneuver often used to finish a tense battle.
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Shadow Hand (Stance) | |
Level: | 2 |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Stance |
Saving Throw: | None |
You can make a hide check as a free action at any time, even when observed, when you have any form of cover or concealment. You can also use this against any target that is distracted from you. Such a distraction includes being attacked by someone aside from you, targeted by an ability not originating from you, or attacking or targeting someone not you.
You can't attack a target in the same round after hiding from them.
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Shadow Hand (Counter) | |
Level: | 3 |
Initiation Action: | 1 immediate action |
Range: | Line of Sight |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
You may initiate this maneuver when you are hidden, and a creature successfully spots you. That creature no longer successfully spots you, and you remain hidden against that creature.
Shadow Hand, Organic Repast (Strike) [X-Discipline, Darkness] | |
Level: | 3 |
Prerequisite: | One Shadow Hand maneuver, two Organic Repast maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Standard |
Range: | Melee attack |
Target: | One creature |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | Fortitude negates |
You will succumb to the embrace of the shadows.
As part of this maneuver, make a single melee attack. If it hits, your target must make a Fortitude save (DC = 13 + your Dexterity or Constitution modifier, whichever is better) or immediately contract shadowfade sickness, which takes effect immediately with no incubation period.
If you use this maneuver on a creature that already has shadowfade sickness and it fails its Fortitude save, its reality loss increases by 10%. If it reaches 100% reality loss and is on a plane coterminous with the Plane of Shadow, it immediately sublimates into haze on the Plane of Shadow, effectively killing it.
This maneuver is a supernatural ability.
Shadow Hand (Stance) [Shadow, Evil] | |
Level: | 9 |
Prerequisite: | Eight Shadow Hand maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Stance |
Saving Throw: | See text |
While in this stance, you are virtually impossible to see in anything other than bright illumination; you are treated as being invisible, like the spell. In addition, you gain 1 sneak attack die per five initiator levels (which, being invisible for all intents and purposes, you'll probably be able to use with every attack). Finally, all creatures that you kill are instantly raised as shadows under your control, but look no different from their previous selves; a Spot check followed by a Sense Motive check, both against a DC of 19 + your initiator level + your Dexterity modifier, is necessary for a creature to realize what happened.
Shadow Hand (Counter) [Shadow] | |
Level: | 7 |
Prerequisite: | Two Shadow Hand maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Immediate |
Range: | See text |
Target: | Personal or One Target |
Duration: | 1 week or until discharged; see text |
Saving Throw: | None |
The blade pierced your heart, but you wouldn't let a thing like death stop you.
This maneuver can be used offensively or defensively. When employed defensively you use this maneuver in response to an attack (and may do so after you know the result of the attack). Any damage, conditions, or side effect as the result of the attack are held at bay, a shadowy wound forming in place of the real one. You may put off the effects for up to 1 week, or until discharged as a free action. A wound that would have been a fatal blow remains fatal, even if you would have healed enough to absorb the damage. This doesn't stop you from being negatively effected by future attacks.
When employed offensively, you use this maneuver to delay the effects of one of your own attacks (and may do so after you know the results of the attack). As before it lasts for 1 week or until discharged. Unlike the defensive version, you can choose to dismiss the attack safely to no harm to its victim, thus allowing it to be used as coercion. If left to its own, it discharges normally at the end of the week.
In either case you may only have a single Shadow Wound active at any one time, offensive or defensive. Using it again immediately discharges the previous effect. This is a supernatural maneuver.
Domestic Tarrasque, Shadow Hand (Stance) [X-Discipline] | |
Level: | 2 |
Prerequisite: | One Domestic Tarrasque Maneuver, One Shadow Hand Maneuver |
Initiation Action: | 1 swift action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Stance |
Saving Throw: | None |
Your attacks flicker through the plane of shadow, destroying the objects' potentials before flickering back to reality to finish the job.
While in this stance, your attacks against objects ignore hardness and deal double damage.
This maneuver is supernatural.
Shadow Hand (Rush) | |
Level: | 4 |
Prerequisite: | One Shadow Hand Maneuver |
Initiation Action: | 1 move action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | One Round |
Saving Throw: | None |
As part of this maneuver, you may move up to your base land speed. You do not take penalties to hiding for this movement. You may continue hiding for one without concealment or cover. Furthermore, you gain +2d6 sneak attack damage until the beginning of your next turn.
Shadow Hand (Stance) [Shadow] | |
Level: | 8 |
Prerequisite: | Three Shadow Hand Maneuvers |
Initiation Action: | Swift Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | Self |
"The Chief of the Darksun Clan appeared in front of them, and immediately the heroes attacked. However it became soon evident that it was in vain, as the chief laughed as the arrows and blade passed right through it."
You create a exact illusory replica of yourself as per project image within unlimited range for as long as you stay in the stance. While the range is unlimited you must be aware of the location you are creating it and it can potentially be off-target (as per the teleport spell).
Whenever you use a [Teleportation] effect, if both you and the image are within the range of the ability you may trade place with it. All creature who witness this may make a Spot check against your Bluff check to notice the change.
Shadow Hand (Rush) | |
Level: | 3 |
Prerequisite: | 1 Shadow hand Maneuver |
Initiation Action: | 1 Move Action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | 1 Round |
Saving Throw: | None |
Shadow Hand (Rush) | |
Level: | 1 |
Initiation Action: | 1 move action |
Range: | Personal |
Target: | You |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | None |
Do you ever feel like you're being watched?
Pick an adjacent creature. Move normally. As long as you stay adjacent to your target, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity from that creature.