SRD:Archons, Hound (Race)
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Hound ArchonsEdit
Also see the hound archon creature listing.
Hound archons look like well-muscled humans with canine heads.
- +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma.
- Outsider (Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful)
- Medium: As a Medium creature, a hound archon has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
- A hound archon’s base land speed is 40 feet.
- Racial Hit Dice: A hound archon begins with six levels of outsider, which provide 6d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +6, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +5, Ref +5, and Will +5.
- Racial Skills: A hound archon’s outsider levels give it skill points equal to 9 × (8 + Int modifier). Its class skills are Concentration, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival.
- Racial Feats: A hound archon’s outsider levels give it three feats.
- Weapon Proficiency: A hound archon is automatically proficient with all simple and martial weapons.
- +9 natural armor bonus.
- Natural Weapons: Bite (1d8) and slam (1d4).
- Darkvision out to 60 feet.
- Low-Light Vision
- Scent
- Spell resistance equal to 16 + class levels.
- Aura of Menace (Su): A righteous aura surrounds hound archons that fight or get angry. Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of a hound archon must succeed on a Will save to resist its effects. The save DC is Charisma-based and includes a +2 racial bonus. Those who fail take a –2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit the hound archon that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by the same hound archon’s aura for 24 hours.
- Immunity to electricity and petrification.
- Change Shape (Su): A hound archon can assume any canine form of Small to Large size. While in canine form, the hound archon loses its bite, slam, and manufactured weapon attacks, but gains the bite attack of the form it chooses. For the purposes of this ability, canines include any doglike or wolflike animal of the animal type. While in canine form, a hound archon gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Hide and Survival checks.
- Damage Reduction (Su): 10/evil.
- Magic Circle against Evil (Su): A magic circle against evil effect always surrounds an archon (caster level equals the archon’s Hit Dice).
- Teleport (Su): Archons can use greater teleport at will, as the spell (caster level 14th), except that the creature can transport only itself and up to 50 pounds of objects.
- Tongues (Su): All archons can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level 14th). This ability is always active.
- Spell-Like Abilities: At will—aid, continual flame, detect evil, message. Caster level 6th.
- +4 racial bonus on saves against poison.
- Automatic Languages: Celestial.
- Bonus Languages: Common, Draconic, Infernal.
- Favored Class: Paladin.
- Level Adjustment: +5
- Effective Character Level: 11
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