SRD5:Potion of Resistance

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This material from the 5th edition (2014) SRD v5.1 is published under the OGL and CC-BY

Potion of Resistance [SRD5 OGL/CC-BY][1] 
Magic Potion, uncommon

When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to one type of damage for 1 hour. The GM chooses the type or determines it randomly from the options below.

d10 Damage Type   d10 Damage Type
1 Acid 6 Necrotic
2 Cold 7 Poison
3 Fire 8 Psychic
4 Force 9 Radiant
5 Lightning 10 Thunder

Sources and Notes[edit]

  1. SRD5:

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Facts about "Potion of Resistance"
AuthorSRD-CC v5.1 + and SRD-OGL v5.1 +
Canontrue +
Item TypePotion +
PublicationSRD-CC v5.1 + and SRD-OGL v5.1 +
RarityUncommon +
TitlePotion of Resistance +