Respawn [Videogame]
Damn hero, it's the third it comes back!Prerequisites: Any three [Videogame] feats, Character level 15thBenefit: You gain the Wandering Hero's class feature Save Point, here shown: you can create a magical crystal which floats in place. The crystal costs 25,000 gp and takes a week to create, but remains there for as long as it is not destroyed. You may visit your save point at any time and "save" by resting for 8 hours within 60 feet of it. If you ever die your body vanishes, and you respawn in 24 hours at your save point with the items, experience, and other abilities that you had at the last time you saved. However consumable items used are still used up when you respawn, and you recall details up to the moment of your death. You also have one negative level which cannot be removed for 24 hours, but otherwise suffers no loss in reviving. If the save crystal is broken, you must re-create a new one from scratch. The crystal is about 1 foot tall, has 40 hit points, hardness 20, and a break DC of 40. You may only have one save crystal at a time.
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